Part 5

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After a minute she started to feel pain in her arm, and then her neck. Then her mouth... Vixen started coughing up black ink, and then she started puking it up. The lab coat man had stepped back and watched what was going on. This was one of the worst pains Vixen had ever experienced. There was no time to think, speak, see, or even breath. She dropped her plushy and held her stomach, and tried to keep herself up right. After a few more minutes of this it slowed down, and she passed out falling on the ground.

She then woke up in a bed. Her bed. Her room. 'Was it all a dream?' She thought to herself, looking around the room. Glitch-Trap was laying next to her like he always did when they slept. But she felt off, but brushed it off trying to get the dream off her mind. She felt thirsty and hungry, though she usually did. She looked over at Luna's bed. 'She's not here... She must be downstairs or in the bathroom.' So she got up and got new clothes on and went downstairs, with Glitch-Trap in hand.

When she got downstairs she smelt breakfast. She ran to the kitchen and smiled brightly. "Mamma! Your home!" She squeaked running up to Callie. "Oh hay sunshine! How's my baby girl?" Callie said smiling, Vixen looked up at her still smiling. Callie's face went white, she put down the spatula and crouched down. "Sunshine, what happened to your face...?" Vixen put her ears back and looked down. "I fell mamma, I'm sorry..." Vixen had tears in her eyes but held them back. "Oh sunshine, you don't have to be sorry. If you actually fell it's okay." She hugged her daughter, knowing that wasn't the truth but did push it any further.

After they all ate they played outside. Vixen and Luna stayed in the garden. The other kids played together, but Ink read a book under a tree. That day they didn't see their father, only their mother. It was a good day, and a happy day they all wouldn't forget...

Sorry this is short but I hoped you liked this one, it was sort of sweet in a way.

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