Part 6

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TRIGGER WARNING!!!! Sexual abuse/ harassment in this chapter! I apologize if you don't feel comfortable with this!

The day went by calm and chill. At dinner time Callie made pasta, one of her specialties. After they ate Ink and Color's friend came over, Nick. He was a around the same age as Color, 17. He had an interest in Johnathan's work, but was friends with his sons. They hung out in the living room, Vixen walked in with Glitch-Trap in her little bag. Nick looked over and looked her up and down. Color and Ink didn't notice, but Vixen felt off again...

After an hour Vixen was playing in her room alone with Glitch. Nick knocked on the door and Vixen looked up. "Hello sweetheart.~" Nick said with a smirk on his face. She felt a chill down her spine, holding Glitch. Nick walked over to her shutting the door behind him. "Aren't you supposed to be hanging out with my brothers...?" Vixen asked, backing up a little. "But I wanna hang out with you, sweetheart~" He said, crouching down in front of her. She backed up but slipped and fell on her back, Glitch fell out of reach. Nick got on top of her pinning her down. "Let's have some fun now~"

Vixen started to panic, not knowing what he meant but knew she was in trouble. "N-No! I don't w-want to!" She was on the verge of tears now. Nick shushed her, kissing her neck. Vixen shook her head trying to get him to stop. But he kept going... Glitch-Trap couldn't handle seeing his friend like this. He made himself as tall as an 11 year old and kicked Nick. He fell off of Vixen, and she scrambled to her feet behind Glitch. She was crying and shaking. "What the hell!" Nick yelled quietly so the others wouldn't hear him. "You hurt my friend! I couldn't stay there and do nothing!" Nick scoffed and got up. He brushed himself off and walked out.

After Nick left the room Glitch turned around and hugged Vixen. "Thank god he didn't hurt you!" He started crying, they both collapsed crying in each other's arms. They stayed in the room for the rest of the night. Callie came in and tucked Luna and Vixen in bed. Glitch was a plushy again. Vixen didn't tell anyone about what happened. She was afraid people would tell her; "Your to young to know what that is!" Or "No, it didn't happen it was just a misunderstanding kid."

She felt alone... Lost...

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