Part 3

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"W-what?" Colbie asked in a shaky voice, Johnathan smile became bigger. "One of my projects worked, that's what." Colbie looked at Johnathan worried and confused. "What 'project'?" Johnathan chuckled a bit, and sighed happily. "You'll see later brat," Johnathan walked away, leaving Colbie alone. He started to cry of the though that he had to kill his best friend and crush.

"A few years went by, and Colbie didn't try to kill me again... Until one day... But... He wasn't himself after this..."

"Me and Luna were 9 and Colbie was 10. Megan was almost 14 and Moon was 16. Color was 17 and Ink was 19. But non of them except for Colbie was aloud to leave the house. They went to school but no where was safe for them. They got bullied and laughed at for the smallest thing, I got most of the bullying out of all of them. Color got the least of it because he was so cold all the time. Moon and Megan kept the bullies at bay from me and Luna, but when we were alone they would physically and verbally bully us... When we would came home we would have bruises and wounds all over. I would have more than Luna, and a few times I would come back home with broken bones and Luna have a lot more wounds. But I had one escape, and it was Dream-Tale. I would go there once a week, and hang out with Dream and Night. I came across it by accident, I made a portal and went threw it. Then I was in Dream-Tale.

"But this starts at school at reses/lunch. So lets began."

Vixen was wrapping a few of her miner wounds in a field at the school. Colbie came over and sat next to her. "Do you need help puppy?" She didn't respond, he sighed annoyed. "I said. Do you need help." Vixen shook her head finally. 'Why dose Colbie seam so annoyed? Did I do something wrong again...' Vixen thought to herself continuing to rap her bandages. Colbie took Vixen's face and made her look at him. "Let me help you." He said very annoyed, his left eye was blue instead of his normal red color. Vixen had put her ears back a bit nervous. "I-I don't n-need help-" Vixen was stopped by Colbie kissing her. She pulled away as fast as she could.


"What? Did you not like it?"

"This isn't you..."

Colbie was a bit confused, "What do you mean?" She sighed and put her ears down looking away. "Y-you usually ask before hand..." She continued to rap her wounds. Colbie just stared at Vixen getting a bit more annoyed. Vixen finally mustered up enough courage to tell Colbie to go away and do something else. But he slapped her, he was smiling but not normally. She started to cry, she couldn't keep it in any longer and just sat there crying. She shakily gave him the badges and let him finish rapping her wounds. "See, that's not so bad puppy." She just stayed quiet looking at the ground.

After Colbie was done rapping her wounds, he made her look at him holding her face. Vixen tried to get out of his grip. "Oh come on puppy.~ Its not that bad.~" She hated the tone of his voice and tried kicking him. He pined her down on the ground pissed. "You shouldn't have done that." He picked up a rock and raised it in the air and started hitting her in the face. She scared in pain and continued to cry. She struggles to get free with no success. Moon and Luna run over in a panic of hearing their younger sister scream. Colbie continued to hit her with the rock, making cracks on the left side of Vixen's skull. Once Moon and Luna get to Colbie and Vixen she had passed out. Colbie continued to hit her with the rock, Moon pulled him off of her throwing the rock. Luna held her twin in her arms, crying a bit.

Once they got home Vixen was awake but in pain, and had a terrible headache. Luna and Megan helped her get to the twins room. They put her to bed after patching up her skull and her other wounds again. Callie wasn't home at the time so she couldn't take care of her children. Johnathan was fascinated that Vixen hasn't died yet. Color and Moon talked about what they should do with Colbie. They decided that at least one of them would stay with Vixen in case this happened again. Ink help Luna with the homework so hers and Vixen's would both be done, and they wouldn't get in trouble.

When it was time for Vixen to go to Dream-Tale, she moved her hair over the left side of her face. In hope the Dream-Tale twins wouldn't notice. She went to Dream-Tale after everyone was asleep and waited under the tree of dreams for the twins. After a few minutes she could sense Dream and Night coming. She made sure her new wounds were covered before they saw her. "Hello again!" Dream yells from a far spotting Vixen. She smiles and gets up walking over to them. Night could tell there was something wrong with her, but didn't wanna say anything with Dream around. "How have you been Vixi?" Dream asked, Vixen shrugged. "How about you two?" Dream smiles, and explains this hole story about how he made new friends and she should meet them.

The three of them hung out for a few hours, Dream started to get tired. So he said good day and went home. Night thought it was a good time to ask Vixen about the negativity she had. "Hay Vix, can I ask you something?" She looked up from her book and nodded. "Who hurt you?" She froze and put her ears back. "I-it's nothing, I'm just clumsy remember." Night sighed, he knew there was something but he didn't want to push it. After another hour Vixen went home and fell asleep next to her twin.

Sorry this took so long! But I hope this makes since (I think-) But have a good day or night!

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