The Storm Brews (An Invisible Eye)

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Lately the world had gotten...tense. Everywhere the boys walked, it felt like the air around them was suffocating them, like something big was coming. There was going to be a pin drop in a dead silent ball room, all the guests frozen in place. Right now, it was just creating the atmosphere, everyone listening intently for the sound of metal against tile, not knowing when it will be. The calm before the storm, the grey clouds angrily blocking out the sky, the eye keeping it's invisible gaze on them.

All of them were feeling it. Tommy had begun frequenting his lookout tower next to the prison and creeping around Las Nevadas. Tubbo had kept in constant touch with Jack Manifold and was almost always at his outpost that overlooked Las Nevadas' front gate. Ranboo had moved Michael to the mansion in Snowchester and kept his eye on Wilbur.

Ranboo had noticed Technoblade's disappearance as well. He was only home for a few days, and then he's gone again. The enderman hybrid would've said "ah, good ol' Techno" but this didn't sit right with him. It couldn't sit right with him, not when the ender particles were in a panicked flurry around them.

Ranboo asked Philza about it the next time they ran into each other, which wasn't very long after. The hybrid pulled the winged man aside, nervously shuffling his feet in the snow. "Take your time, mate." Phil had said patiently.

Ranboo was fiddling with his hands, pressing their metacarpal paw pads against each other. "So...about Technoblade..." The boy had begun, avoiding eye contact as always. "Where is he?"

The winged man had considered either telling Ranboo a white lie or the truth. The truth is what came out, not wanting to lie to his friend. "He went to the prison."

His heart sunk. Phil had said it so easily, like those words weighed only a single feather's worth. "I-I'm sorry, he what..?"

Philza shrugged, letting his body weight lean on his worn staff. "Yeah. Said he was told to visit Dream by Big Q."

Ranboo's head spun, staring at the snow beneath his feet. He forced their mind to stay grounded. "And he hasn't come back?"

They looked back up in time to see Phil shake his head. "Isn't that a little concerning?" The hybrid asked, his voice quivering.

Philza only gave a small chuckle before replying, "I trust Techno. I think he'll be fine." He patted Ranboo's shoulder before turning and walking into his house. Green and red eyes followed the feathery back, leading his eyes to look up to the balcony.

Wilbur leaned against the wooden railing, watching Ranboo out the corner out his eye as he smoked. Those big round glasses reflected the sunlight, almost like two wide eyes of their own. The enderman hybrid gave a shy wave. Wilbur didn't acknowledge the wave.

"Right..." They muttered to himself before spinning on their heel and shuffling back to their house. He remembered how Wilbur didn't like Ranboo, how his first impression of them was negative. All because they don't have the same views. Especially about Dream.

'I think he'll be fine' Philza's words echoed in his head. Ranboo pushed the iron door open and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "It's not him I'm worried about."

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