Walls Between Family (Take It All Down)

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Tubbo and Ranboo stood in front of walls of their own, facing Quackity. They were arguing about the outpost, neither Tubbo nor Quackity wanting to reach a compromise. Purpled stood back, just far enough behind Quackity to hear the conversation. The alien mercenary had been dragged along in case a physical fight started.

"Listen. You're either taking this fucking wall down or you're taking the entire thing down." The gambler pinched the bridge of his nose, exasperated.

Tubbo stomped his hoof on the ground. "I'm not taking fucking shit down, alright? We have no reason to and so we won't."

Ranboo shuffled nervously, always glancing back at Purpled in case he pulled out a weapon.

"I gave you a fucking reason, you little shit! That reason being is you spying on my god damn country and threatening it." Quackity shot back sharply, his wings ruffling up.

Tubbo groaned, leaning his head back. "I'm not fucking spying on you!"

"Then you'd have no problem taking the wall down!" They continued with this back and forth. Ranboo was not needed in this conversation, as his husband was doing all the talking.

Quackity was pissed off by Tubbo and Ranboo actually. Pissed off at the fact that they were younger than himself and still had a happy marriage, something he could never have. He wanted to tear them apart, to see the rings fall off their horns.

"Shouldn't you be more concerned with Wilbur building right across from you?!" The goat boy questioned.

Quackity let out a heavy sigh. "He's not building on my land, you are."

"You never claimed this as your land! You didn't tell us!"

"Yes I fucking did!"

"Not before we had already finished building it!"

A voice cut through the argument. A voice that sent shivers down Tubbo's spine, making him stop in his tracks. "Now now Tubbo. You should be nice towards your step-father and obey his wishes, don't you think?"

Schlatt slung his arm around Quackity's shoulder, pulling him in and grinning. The gambler's hand went up to the undead ram's. They both wore a shiny black band around their ring fingers.

"You..." Tubbo snarled, glaring at Schlatt.

The half ram chuckled. "That's no way to greet your old man. I haven't seen you in so long, kid. C'mere." Schlatt moved in for a hug, the goat boy expertly dodging his father.

"I'm not giving you a hug, dipshit." Tubbo shot back, moving towards Ranboo, who held a protective arm in front of his husband. "You still reek of alcohol and cigars." The boy muttered, rubbing his nose.

Schlatt dropped the smile and facade quickly. "Y'know, I have to agree with Quackity. You should leave and let us use this land properly, not for some shitty girl scout cookie station."

"Fuck you." That was all Tubbo said before shit went downhill real fast.

Schlatt had managed to dodge the enderman hybrid's arm and grab the goat boy's face, his dirty nails digging into the scars. "You don't want to be in that box with a firework pointed at your face again, do you?"

Tubbo slapped his hand away and summoned his axe to his hand. "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU, THEN I'M GONNA NUKE YOUR GOD DAMNED COUNTRY. WE'LL SEE HOW YOU LIKE BEING SHOVED IN A BOX AND BLOWN TO SMITHEREENS, SCHLATT!" The axe swung at the half ram, barely missing his hands.

Purpled was quick, already having knocked an arrow into the bow and firing by the time he swung. It nicked Tubbo's ear, taking some hair with the sharp tip as well.

Ranboo pulled his husband back quickly before he could take another swing, holding the hand with the axe downwards. Schlatt was cackling, clearly running off the adrenaline high of his son trying to kill him. Purpled had another arrow pointed at Tubbo and Quackity had his sword in his hand.

Ranboo let the angry words of his husband process in his head "Wait, Tubbo, do you...did you recommission the nukes?" The goat boy stayed silent, staring ahead at Schlatt, and that was enough of an answer.

"Aww would you look at that! You really are my son, keeping secrets from your lover like they wouldn't find out eventually." Schlatt mocked them.

Tubbo took a step forward. Purpled pulled back on the string. "I'm nothing like you and I never will be."

The half ram grinned menacingly. "I already see myself in you. I did too, back in Manberg. You'll lose your sanity, just like I did, if you haven't already."

Tubbo began to turn away before the gambler stopped him. "About your outpost..."

"Yeah yeah, I'll take the wall down." The goat boy muttered. Quackity swiftly interrupted after sharing a glance with Schlatt, agreeing upon something with their eyes.

"Actually, after that outburst..you'll take the whole thing down." It was no longer a debate, it was a demand. Tubbo turned back and opened his mouth to say something. Quackity cut in again. "Take it all down or die where you stand."

It was a parent unfairly punishing their child for justified rage. It wasn't something Tubbo could fight against, not with an arrow and a sword pointed at him. He gave a small nod and immediately got to work. Ranboo followed behind him and the other three left.

The nukes weren't brought up for the rest of the day, but Ranboo made sure to write it down in his memory book, along with other things.

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