Were They Real? (You're Not Joking)

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---Not even a minute later---

It was still pouring outside. They had gotten home before any raindrops fell, but Ranboo couldn't help but feel grateful for his husband. Now Tubbo was feeding Michael, the goat boy still relatively quiet.

Ranboo had already began making his way towards the front of the mansion as he heard the front doors be slammed open. The enderman hybrid prepared himself to fight because no one enters a house like that normally.

Unless that person is Tommy.

Ranboo's fight or flight instincts settled down when he heard Tommy's voice calling their names. The hybrid wasn't in the same room as Tubbo, but he knew the look he would've shot Ranboo; Confused and skeptical, maybe even a hint of mild irritation.

Ranboo yelled for Tommy to shut up. It made him go quiet at the very least. Finally, emerging into the front room, the hybrid smiled at the blonde. Until he realized Tommy wasn't smiling.

Tommy looked like a mess. Matted down hair, breathing heavy, clothes that looked like they had been in a tornado, and muddy shoes. His axe was still in one hand, his knuckles going white as he clenched it. Ranboo could tell some shit just went down. This was the look of Tommy who just ran for his life. Something Ranboo had only seen once or twice before. "Tommy, what ha-"

They were cut off by Tommy blurting out, "Where's Tubbo?" It wasn't a question, really, it was a demand. He was dead serious. Ranboo blinked a couple of times and started trying to change the topic to Tommy himself, only to be cut off again. "Where is Tubbo."

"Right here, bossman." The goat boy said from behind Ranboo. He was a little bit further back. "What's up?"

Tommy breathed out and dropped his axe, darting over to Tubbo. Ranboo stepped aside and watched as the blonde turned his back to him. There were scratch marks in the back of his shirt and a cut in his shoulder that was bleeding a little. Something, or someone, attacked him. The question was: Was it trying to kill Tommy?

The blonde boy held Tubbo's shoulders, gripping the shorter boy tightly. "Tubbo." Tommy started slowly, "I need you to promise me that you won't panic and do something stupid." Tubbo scoffed and opened his mouth to retort, but got cut off by Tommy shaking his body. "I need you to promise me you won't. It's important."

The air in the room got tense. Tommy was never like this unless it was genuinely serious. Ranboo shifted on his feet as the goat boy nodded cautiously. The blonde let out a shaky breath. "It's Schlatt. He's back. He's alive. I saw him and his ugly fucking face."

It was clear Tubbo didn't know how to feel. If this was just some sick joke from Tommy, it wasn't funny. "Is this a prank..?" Had the blonde somehow figured out that Tubbo was hallucinating again and thought it would be entertaining to mess with him?

Tommy snapped at the goat boy, mad that he couldn't be believed. "NO! IT'S FUCKING NOT, TUBBO. I WAS SO CLOSE TO DEATH. I FUCKING RAN! BUT I SAW HIM. I SAW SCHLATT."

Tubbo shrunk back from the screaming, slipping out of Tommy's hold. He stumbled backwards and made no real attempt to catch himself as he fell onto the floor. The goat boy was definitely out of it. He muttered something, too quiet for anyone to hear.

Ranboo kneeled down next to Tubbo, placing a comforting hand on the his husband's bicep. "What did you say, Tubbo?"

The brunette raised his head and stared at Tommy. "How long has he been alive?" The enderman hybrid followed Tubbo's gaze.

The blonde thought about it quickly before answering. "About long enough for him to get a new outfit."

The goat boy barely nodded. In Tubbo's head, that would take a week, maybe even less. A week of hallucinations. Where they even hallucinations at that point? Was Schlatt actually following him? Stalking him, still drinking? "...We need to talk about this."

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