Emerging From Lava (Captive Audience)

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---A second later---

That's when it finally hit Tommy's ears. The sound of weapons clashing together finally made it to the blonde. His eyes popped open and he jumped to his feet, staring out the window. Tommy cursed multiple times under his breath as he scrambled down the ladders, the pain protesting loudly. It was happening.

He bumped into a familiar tall being as he darted over to the grass. It was Ranboo, who had heard the fighting and came over to check on it. They gave a silent nod to each other and approached. They watched as Philza held a lighter in his hands.

"PHIL!" Tommy called out, getting the winged man's attention. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!"

Philza turned around, straining his wings to stay afloat just a little longer. He saw the two boys, Ranboo and Tommy, and gave them a melancholy smile. He then put his hand up to his forehead in a salute and lit the TNT. Philza let his wings fold around him as he fell back into the water below.

Inside the cell, they both heard it at the same time. The hissing sound of dynamite. Technoblade was quicker to react, pulling Dream, who was in an ecstatic state, away from the wall. The prisoner crashed to the floor as the piglin shielded him. There was a loud blast, then silence.

Sam had managed to knock Michael McChill down to the ground when he heard the explosion. The Warden pinned the other down with his foot on his chest and trident to his neck, fumbling with his interface before pressing the button.

A loud, blasting siren screeched across the world. The sharp tone came first, then the automated voice. "WARNING! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY BROADCAST, AUTHORIZED BY AWESAMDUDE. IF YOU ARE HEARING THIS, THAT MEANS DREAM HAS ESCAPED PRISON. DO NOT ENGAGE WITH HIM OR HIS CELLMATE, TECHNOBLADE. WARNING!" The sharp tone played again, then it ended.

Sam looked down at Michael, who was grinning ear to ear. "He's free, Sam." The warden felt the flammable gas pouring out his mask. He made a quick motion with his trident, slicing the man's neck. Sam marched off, crimson on his weapon as he left Michael to die. He was only the first of the names that would appear in chat.

Everyone had heard it. It was hard to miss.

George had heard it in his dream, and had woken up to it still playing. He gotten up to his feet and ran as fast as he could, his mushroom hat balancing dangerously on his head and flora sprouting behind his footsteps. If XD hadn't told him to wake up, he never would have.

Sapnap had thrown on his netherite armor, gripping his sword in his white-knuckled hand as he took off towards the prison. His raven hair was tied back in a ponytail, two weddings rings attached to the hair tie. Karl had gone missing for a week and a half now, and Quackity hadn't talked to them for a long time. If the man born in fire went down alone, he went down with the memories of his husbands in his heart.

Tubbo had heard it, piercing his ears horribly. It sent shivers down his spine, leaving his ears ringing. "JACK!" The goat boy called out, getting an "ON IT!" in reply. They rowed on their boat out to the secret island, just outside of Snowchester.

Philza had swam back to shore. He could no longer use his soaked wings for the moment, but he had his reliable sword and his agility. Everyone else was too busy to pay him any mind, but if there was a fight to be had, he would take it eagerly.

Everyone from Las Nevadas, including Schlatt and the slime guy, had been summoned way earlier. Sam had called for more backup after Big Q arrived. The siren just made them run faster. The prison was already on the horizon when they started to sprint.

Wilbur had managed to keep Quackity busy long enough. He pushed the gambler off the prison with the blunt end of his sword and turned around, not checking to see if Quackity had hit the water.

Technoblade had an arm around Dream, carrying his weight as they walked through the lava tunnel that had formed. Obsidian served as their faithful path. Dream wanted this to be the last time he saw lava or obsidian for a long, long time.

Everyone who was headed towards the prison arrived on time just to see the prisoners, now free, emerge. George had found his place, hiding in the leaves of trees a good bit away. Sapnap had his sword drawn, embers and smoke flowing out of his mouth. Sam and the rest of Las Nevadas had their weapons drawn, or simply stood back and watched.

Dream gazed upon the audience he had attracted, his eye meeting everyone else's. His attention was drawn upwards by Wilbur, who hollered at him. The brunette was laying precariously on the edge. "Yoohoo, pretty boy! Got a little sumthin' sumthin' for ya~ Catch!" A blur of white dropped from his hands and into Dream's. It was a brand new mask.

Dream undid his original, cracked mask, and threw it into the lava behind him. He put the new one on, fastening it to his face. It was a mystery how he could see behind his mask, but it didn't make him any less of a threat.

Technoblade had let go of Dream, catching the enderchest that Wilbur had also dropped. 'That could've killed one of us.' The piglin looked up to see his brother give a thumbs up. Then a figure appeared behind him. Techno held two fingers up, the middle and the pointer, the brother's special signal for "behind you."

Wilbur rolled on his stomach just in time to miss Quackity's axe. It sunk into the blackstone by the brunette's head. "Wow! Close one!" Wilbur cooed before jumping up and pulling out his sword.

That's not where everyone's eyes were. Technoblade had opened the enderchest and was giving Dream his enchanted netherite weapons.

Purpled had fired an arrow, aimed right for Technoblade's head. The piglin grabbed it out of the air and crunched it in his fist. "Laaaame."

Sapnap stood his ground, yelling up at Dream. "Come down here and die, you green piece of shit!" He hadn't even noticed that Quackity was present at the fight.

Dream clicked his toungue. "Tsk. That's no way to greet an old friend!" He started spinning his hand in a circle. Large chunks of obsidian and blackstone had fallen into the water below, but now they began to glow with green energy and rise. They formed a sort of staircase for the masked man.

Tommy had ripped his eyes away from Dream for the first time in a while, turning to Ranboo. "Come on, we can-...Ranboo?"

Ranboo's eyes glowed purple, his tail swishing back and forth. Everything that was green or red in their skin had turned a dark purple, glowing from within. He had grown a few feet taller, his legs more bent like an animal and his horns much longer. They turned to Tommy slowly, attempting to stare into the blonde's eyes. He looked away quickly. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO, DREAM?!?"

"Why, I've simply given him a back seat ticket to what's about to happen!" Dream shouted as he marched down the hastily made stairs, carrying himself like he was the shit.

Sapnap let out a growl and bounded up the stairs, swinging at Dream as soon as he was close enough. Technoblade got in between the two men, pushing Sapnap back. The sound of metal clashing had spurred everyone into action at the same time Dream touched the ground. The chunks of the prison fell into the water, making a big splash.

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