Something's Happening (The One Thing)

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---24 hours later---

It was crawling further into the afternoon the next day. Tommy was sitting in his tower next to the prison, taking a break. His arms were behind his head, pain still lacing through his veins in the one shoulder. The blonde hoped it wasn't detrimental. None of the boys had talked to each other since yesterday. Who knows what happened with the other two. It had been a slow, quiet day, the sun shining in between white clouds, but the invisible eye of the storm still watched.

The blonde had sat down, looked away from the prison for one minute, and closed his eyes. Then it began.

Michael McChill had gotten Sam's attention by trying to break into the prison again. He wasn't so underprepared this time, though. Netherite sword and trident clashed again each other on the opposite side of the prison, a distraction. He just needed to stay alive long enough to keep the Warden busy.

On the other side of the prison, nearest Tommy's tower, the father and son duo got started. Philza carried Wilbur, flapping his nearly healed wings carefully as the brunette placed TNT. The explosives lined the inner walls of the prison and the cell, placed by a certain someone who hadn't known what he was doing. All they needed to do was set the TNT off and wait for the chain reaction.

Sam had called for back-up from Quackity, having a sneaking suspicion that something was going on. The gambler had managed to riptide his way onto the top of the prison, wandering over to where he heard the gust of winds being pushed around by wings.

"Don't fucking drop me, Phil!"

"I got you, mate. Just focus on what you're doing."

Quackity drew his axe, pointing it at the two men. "Enjoying some father-son bonding time, ey?"

Wilbur and Philza both looked up, being met with the sharp end of an axe. "I suggest you two stop now." The gambler had ordered.

"Philza. Put me down on the roof." Wilbur instructed, brandishing his trusty sword after handing the TNT off to his father. "You carry on."

The winged man did as told. Wilbur and Quackity stood opposite each other, the brunette protecting his father. Big Q knew Wilbur wasn't going to let him pass without a fight. "I should've killed you when you came back, you ugly motherfucker." The gambler spat.

Wilbur smirked. "But you didn't, and look where we are now." He was the first to go in for the hit, blade striking blade.

Quackity knew that he needed just a few seconds of throwing Wilbur off his rhythm to get to Phil. The brunette had gone on the offensive, however, leaving the other to take up defensive, and Wilbur was slowly backing him to the other side of the prison.

Inside the cell, Dream waited impatiently. Techno had found himself a spot to sit and wait, while the prisoner tapped his foot repeatedly. Dream was mumbling to himself as the piglin stood up suddenly and put his hand up to the ceiling. He made a pleased grunt.

Dream turned around and narrowed his eyes at his cell mate. "What is it?"

Technoblade looked to Dream, locking eyes with him. His golden eyes began to swirl with a crimson hunger. "They're fighting. My brother and Quackity." A proud smile spread across his face.

Dream huffed and turned back to look at the single piece of TNT that poked into their cell. "If they didn't bring that mask, I'm not even leaving." In the letter he made Ranboo write in enderwalk, he had asked Wilbur to make and bring a white porcelain mask with his signature smiley face on it.

The piglin scoffed and smiled. "Don't be such a stuck up for a big flashy entrance. If you have me with you, it'll already be one hell of an entrance." He slung an arm around Dream's shoulder. The masked prisoner grunted, rolling his eyes.

Technoblade hummed, thinking for a few moments. "Is he almost here?" Dream only nodded in response, his own smile growing.

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