Bloodshed (In His Eyes)

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---A minute later---

Sam had gotten occupied with Philza, the winged man not letting the other attack Dream. He knew the creeper king could easily kill Dream, but it's not so easy to be killed when you have a Goddess of Death on your side.

Schlatt had stood back with the slime guy, but somehow the green blob had slipped off into the fray. The ram cared, but not enough to throw himself into the crossfire. Not like how Quackity would.

Foolish was putting in the least possible effort, feeling a little bit of joy bubble up in his chest. They were estranged siblings, but Foolish wouldn't be the one to hurt Dream. Only once in a blue moon, maybe, and today the sun rode high into the sky.

Fundy had joined Sam in fighting Philza, matching the winged man's agility with his own. He might even kill him! That's when the fox stopped, still. 'I might even kill someone...' He stared at his paws until he saw the glint of a sword in the middle of his vision. Sam opened his mouth to call to Fundy, but Philza already hit his mark.

His sword sunk into Fundy's chest, the fox's breathing catching in his throat. Phil stared Fundy down, gently forcing him to the ground. "Sorry mate. Guess it just runs in the family." Philza ripped his sword out of the fox's chest, his limp body collapsing to the ground.

Sapnap and Technoblade fought, their weapons clashing, matching each other movement for movement, strength for strength. "I'm here to kill Dream, not a pig." Sapnap growled under his breath when their weapons collided, both forces pushing their own weight into it.

Technoblade smiled, red, blood-hungry eye's staring down the blaze-borne. "Good. I'm here to see bloodshed."

Tommy and Purpled had turned to fighting Dream, although Tommy was more preoccupied with the Ranboo that wasn't all there.

Purpled was using his arrows from a distance, knocking the poison tipped arrows into his bow one after another. He had been in the prison for a long time, but that didn't mean he was weak.

He released another arrow, this time black tipped, from it's string when a familiar green slime popped up, right in front of Dream. Right in front of the arrows path. The slime opened his mouth to say something when the masked man grabbed his head, holding it still as the arrow of decay sunk into his slime. From where Purpled was, he could see the decay spread deep blue in the slime, running it's course until he was nothing but deep blue glop of goo.

"Euck." Dream made a noise of disgust as he flung the goop from his hands. He made eye contact with Purpled, who was terrified. The alien boy turned and ran, back towards Schlatt, away from this mess.

Philza had gotten his wings working again and flew away from Sam's trident that got way too close to his face. He saw his son and Quackity still fighting on top of the prison. The winged man, doing what he only felt right, swept in and scooped Wilbur into his arms.

The brunette had been getting tired fighting Quackity, while the gambler had been getting more riled up. He felt familiar arms hook under his armpits and lift him. Quackity shouted something at them, but they were already so far away.

Wilbur looked up at his dad, holding onto his beanie as his sword disappeared into his inventory. "What about Technoblade?"

Philza had to shout past the wind. "He'll be fine! We just have to get out of here. We wouldn't have won our fights!"

Wilbur cocked an eyebrow at Phil as they flew over Church Prime. "How do you know that?"

"Just trust me!"

Foolish and Purpled both agreed to retreat, but Schlatt decided to stay behind. "I want to see how this ends." The totem shark god and the alien boy both shared a glance, silently agreeing to respect the ram's wishes.

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