Running To Survive (Hold Me Down To Earth)

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---Shortly after Ranboo and Tubbo left---

Tommy stood idly on the grassy outskirts of Las Nevadas. He had an invisibility potion on him and the ever-so-trusty Axe of Peace, in case things ended up going south. And it would just be Tommy's luck that it probably would.

How many times had he snuck into someplace? And how many times did it fail in horrible disaster? Tommy shook the thoughts from his head, the fleeting sight of Ghostbur's grave in his peripherals. He needed to focus. He needed to not fuck this up. The potion would last eight minutes and that was it. If he wasn't out by then, he was fucked.

The blonde was going on a solo mission. Maybe Wilbur hadn't seen the new figure hanging out in Las Nevadas, and if he did, he didn't mention it. Tommy, however, noticed, and he was bent on knowing who it was.

The sky was getting more overcast by the minute, threatening to storm. Turning his nose up to the sky, he could already smell the scent of rain. Wilbur wasn't around at the time thankfully. It allowed Tommy to do his own thing, to not be paranoid about the eggshells he was stepping on.

The boy had just seen Tubbo and Ranboo earlier. He stopped by for a quick chat with the enderman hybrid in their strangely suspicious cookie bakery. Tubbo was but a small figure in the glass windows, not looking down at them, but past them.

"Is he doing okay?" Tommy had asked, still watching the boy in the glass.

Ranboo looked up from the fox he was giving raisin cookies to and followed Tommy's gaze. "Honestly...I'm not too sure."

The blonde was quick to snip at him. "You're his husband! You should know!"

The hybrid stood up stiffly and attempted to glare, but swiftly broke eye contact. "You know how he is. He never says how he's feeling. Not even to me."

Tommy huffed, but he had to agree. No way he could hold Ranboo at fault for Tubbo bottling up his emotions. It was hard to get that bottle to break.

Tommy felt the drizzle of rain on his face. His eyes opened to find how suddenly the clouds turned dark. "Fucking shit, man." The blonde cursed to no one in particular. He quickly tied his loose hair into a small ponytail and prayed to the Gods of Prime. He took off running as the last hushed words left his mouth.

Finding cover behind a building that faced the forest, Tommy crouched down. He took the invisibility potion out and chugged it hurriedly. He let out a loud burp, despite his attempt to keep quiet. Maybe he should consider drinking things slower. Tommy stood back up straight and began slinking around the building.

If this mission was going to be a bust, he was going to be irritated. He snuck around the corner nearest the main road, beckoning in his mind for them to hurry up. Thankfully, it had worked and voices came near. He double checked his clothes to make sure the potion had worked and it did.

Tommy peeked his head around the corner. The green slime guy was far ahead of everyone else, skipping in the rain. He made little slooshing noises against the pavement as he went. Quackity and Sam were walking side by side, a quiet conversation held between the two. They both disgusted Tommy, one more than the other. Sam was in his netherite armor, his trademark gas mask firmly fit to his face. Guess it's hard for him to ever relax.

Behind Sam and Quackity were the other 3 figures. Foolish had shrunken down to more human size and he seemed to be enjoying the rain. Fundy was next to him, constantly pulling his hat down over his hair and glancing back over his shoulder. Purpled maintained some distance from Fundy, his four arms all shoved into pockets.

'So where the fuck is the new person?' Tommy questioned in his head as Quackity came to a stop, almost directly in Tommy's line of sight. He was a good few strides away from the blonde, but it wasn't Big Q that Tommy was worried about. His eyes drifted up to Sam, who stopped with the gambler. A trident rested in the Warden's hand. With that, he could reach Tommy within a second or two.

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