It isn't your fault (8)

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"Jungkook, be our sacrifice"

Our Sacrifice?

Speechless and suddenly very aware of the coldness his body turn feverish, goosebumps erupting as the words registered long before but not comprehended that soon and when they do his breathe leaves him in a long pained exhale

Fragrance of sweet relief and warm dread circulate within him. Miki won't be hurt anymore but he will, oh lord! his throat tightens, they want to sacrifice him, they want him to die.

Torn. Absolutely torn, knowing his answer without hesitation but not wanting to voice it out. He swallows the dryness in his throat, gaze lifting forward to the haunting sight of people looking down at him, so obscure and absurdly high. Dark clouds shadowing their faces, fists in stir of bliss akin hyenas finally cornering him, panting in anticipation while he trembles and freeze like a mere prey.

They are smiling, she is smiling. They know his answer...they know. Relived now, patiently waiting for his surrender knowing they finally got what they wanted. Their sacrifice.

He wants to shift away. Get swallowed in pit of mud or melt in the rain, anything but the cold hands that touch his body making his stomach recoil, a startled whimper drops in his throat unable to escape, light headed and nauseous feeling ground slip under him as he's hosted up, arm wrapped around his waist from shoulder like cold shackles, a scared pained cry can't make it past the heaviness stuck in his throat like a dead heartbeat when he's dragged near the edge, near the roaring ocean.

they want me to die.

"You bitch" his mother seethes, striding "put him down" her eyes so pained and tormented he just stares paralysed, I haven't blinked, suddenly it dawns on Jungkook but he can't, his eyes refuse to close when the inevitable will make sure he'll never open them again.

they always wanted me to die, didn't they.

When his gaze flicker on his sister sleeping in his mother's arm, his legs that were barely holding him up finally collapsed, falling on his knees even when two men were hosting him up by his torso.

His whole body throbs so forcefully that he's clueless whether he's swaying in dizziness or the pulse that's fighting to leave before it's smothered under the tension that's just not stopping.

Gradually but sickly the pain subsides, the coldness vanishes. Detached, leaving behind the stun numbness of anesthetic coma, sensation of rain thump against his skin, sliding and wetting him but he can't feel it, can't feel anything physically when all the pain is concentrated inside.

If it wasn't for someone holding his head up by hair and shoulder he would have collapsed under realization of his worth in everyone's eyes, just pile of flesh and bone that have clearly no value other than to dispose whenever they want, his groggy eyes roam around—they look so eager to get rid of him, why are they not hesitating? Why is no one  uncertain? even people who don't remember his name aren't interfering.

A furious voice tangles and resonates in his mind

Get up jungkook. They'll kill you then your mother then miki then father.They'll not stop. They'll kill everyone. Speak!RUN!GET!UP!DON'TSIT!!!!

I can't.

He's franctic, body isn't moving, mind jumbled in quiet or turmoil, he can't collect himself. It's like a dam broke and he can't keep his head above anymore, he's so mad on himself for suddenly falling down like this, unable to speak, unable to twitch a finger, unable to blink his eyes away from his mother and siste—oh.
Finally tears stream down his face, his mouth finally parts to breathe in shallow gulps when he realizes why.

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