Chapter 17

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Ashton screamed and threw her off him. "What the fuck was that?!"

Varia stood and wiped her mouth. "You taste like a nerd."

Ashton jumped off the couch and ran to the front door. "You're fucking insane! I'm so done here, tell Luke I quit."

"Im right here." Luke said. Ashton looked up and saw him sitting on the stairs.

"Lukey!" Varia cried, running to him. "Ashton jumped on me and kissed me! I tried to stop him but-"

"Oh shut up." Luke snapped. "I literally watched the whole thing. I may have a-" He glanced at Ashton, "tutor, but I'm not stupid. You jumped on him. You kissed him."

Ashton giggled at Varia's facial expression.

"I, but, Lukey," She tried to reason.

"Im 100% sure I just told you to shut up a few seconds ago." Luke raised his eyebrows.

Sensing a break up, Ashton quickly jumped in. Even though he hated Luke's girlfriend, he didn't want to be the reason they spilt.

"It's okay Luke, it was just a kiss." He said with a forced smile.

Luke shook his head. "It was more than a kiss." He looked miserable.

"I don't know what you see in that freak anyways." Varia spat.

"You know what I see?" Luke jumped up. "I see a caring heart, a smart mind, and a hot body. He's total boyfriend material."

Ashton blushed as Varia glared daggers at him. "Lukey, come on now-"

"My God, you're so annoying!" Luke shouted. "Face reality Varia, I broke up with you months ago! Just because you can't accept that, doesn't mean you can go around, terrorizing my-"

"Wait, what?" Ashton asked in shock. "Varia isn''re not dating?"

Luke shook his head while Varia crossed her arms and glared. "No, but she keeps telling everyone I meet that we are still together."

"But Lukey! We're both hot and rich! We're the perfect couple! He's just a poor piece of trash! You can't date him! He's a guy!" Varia exclaimed.

"Out." Luke pointed to the door.


"Get out!" He yelled. "And don't ever come back."

Speechless, Varia walked to the door. Ashton stepped back to let her pass. He couldn't keep the smug smile off his face. "Tootles."

She stomped out, and Luke slammed the door shut behind her.

"I thought you guys were dating." Ashton said softly.

Luke sighed. "She took the break up real badly, so I said we could stay friends, but she apparantly thought friends meant FWB and told everyone we were still a couple. I'm glad she's gone now, more time to spend with my favorite nerd." Luke smiled at him and hugged him.

Ashton bit his lip and stepped back. "Actually Luke, about the whole nerd thing."

"Yeah?" Luke asked, worry in his eyes.

"You never actually did pay me that one time I did your work, before our 'date'." Ashton said and Luke blew out a breath. "Jeez, don't scare me like that! How much do you want?"

Ashton shrugged. "Surprise me. But not two hundred! If you try and give me two hundred again I will call Varia back here!" He yelled as Luke ran up the stairs to his room.

He sat on the couch and wrapped Luke's blanket around himself. He laid down and watched the TV until Luke came back.

Luke came back down the stiars and grinned at Ashton. "Aww-"

"Shut up." Ashton mumbled, pulling the blanket tighter around him. "You're living room is freezing."

Luke stepped over him and wedged himself behind Ashton, against the couch. He threw his arm around Ashton and pulled him closer. "Is princess nerd sleepy?"

"I thought I was princess badass." Ashton murmured, his eyes slowly closing.

"You're princess angels and sunshine." Luke laughed. "And I'm your prince. And Varia is an evil witch who uses too much tan in a can."

"And this is the part of the story where the prince realizes the princess was up all night all this week, doing his work as well as his own and is very tired over today's drama and wants to sleep." Ashton said, his eyes closed.

"Huh? Oh, right. Sorry." Luke said sheepishly. He pulled another blanket over them both and turned down the volume on the TV.

"Dork." Ashton whispered.

Luke smiled and blushed. "Goodnight, princess."

Ashton fell asleep quickly, and a few minites later, so did Luke.

They were still curled up on the couch together, when Luke's parents came home late that night.



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