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year: 2027jessie: 26 years old billie: 25 years old jackson: 2 years old

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year: 2027
jessie: 26 years old
billie: 25 years old
jackson: 2 years old

b i l l i e

"i'm nervous." i told jessie as she parked the car at the ob-gyn.

"everything will be fine, princess." she assured softly before leaning over to give me a sweet kiss.

"ewww." jackson dragged out from the backseat.

"lil' boy," jj turned to him. "why are you saying ew?"

"uncle finny says it when you and mommy kiss."

we both rolled our eyes. "your uncle finny is stupid." i teased.

"nuh uh." he huffed.

"yeah huh." jj nodded as she unbuckled. she turned back to me. "you ready?"

"mhm." i nodded as i unbuckled as well.

we got out, and jessie walked to the back to get jackson out of his car seat. once she got him out, she pulled his hood over his head.

for the most part, me and jessie keep jackson out of the media's eye. we just don't think he should be exposed to it at such a young age.

he has come to a couple of my award shows and red carpets though. he loved the attention.

"me and momma have matching shoes!" he boasted as he pointed to his and jessie's black and white jordan one's, while jess carried him inside.

"yeah, 'cause we're swaggy." jj grinned.

"supa swaggy." jackson agreed.

i smiled at the two of them. "y'all are too cute."

jessie sent a shy smile in return, while jackson held his hand out for a fist bump. i happily gave him one.

we walked over to the front desk, and i told the lady what we were here for. she typed a few things into the computer and told us that we'd be called back shortly.

we walked over to the waiting room. jj sat jackson in her lap, and she bounced him around, which made him giggle.

"what if it's twins?" i asked her jokingly.

"that'd be crazy," she let out a soft laugh. "i dunno though. do you think it's a boy or a girl?"

"i don't know," i placed a hand over my stomach. "honesty, i still find it hard to believe that there's actually a baby in here."

"it's actually a fetus," she corrected with a grin, mocking me from all the times i would correct her when she was pregnant. "but it took me a while to actually comprehend that whenever i was pregnant."

"it's just... crazy to think about." i said.

"yeah, honestly." she nodded.

after a while, we were called back. we walked back hand in hand with jackson walking between the two of us.

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