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"Jimin.." Mom said.

"Mom, why are you still awake? Don't you remember what doctor said about sleeping on proper time!?" Jimin immediately replied.

"Yes, I know.. but-"
She cut of by Jimin.

"No buts, mom. Go and take a sleep. Good Night!"

Even tho she don't want.. she leave.

And I couldn't able to lift my gaze from floor and look at him.
I slowly try to lift my gaze and find out the most furious look I've even seen.. and he left me with that look in his room.

After he went, I went inside too. I didn't want to get in more trouble so without saying anything i went to couch for sleeping.

As i closed my eyes, i felt cold hand around my thighs and neck..in attempt to carry me.

I startled and get scared a bit when i feel he throw me on bed. And immediately covered my mouth with his headkerchief.

I prayed in my mind..that things don't go too far this time. Mom and dad are still here..

Suddenly he hovered on me and said.
"You think I'll not able to get to know about what you were trying to say to mom?! Huh?!"

I tried to say something for defending myself but i couldn't able to.
Jimin trace his finger on my lips under hendkerchief.
"Nah- Don't try to utter a word or it'll be not gonna good for you."

I'm really too much scared to even think something properly.
I know how he behave when he loses himself... He don't himself any idea how rackless he become when he's angry... but the thing is I'm the always one whom he he flush his all anger.

I didn't even realise when he almost shout at me.
"Didn't I tell you to never ever try to said any type of bullshit infront of mom and dad?! Didn't I?!"

Without giving me any second..he slapped me very hardly and more and more.

"I don't get it Why the hell you check My Damn Patience Every time? I've warned you enough but still you're shitty brain don't get it."

With that he harshly grab be my neck and throw me in cold floor besides the bed.
"Gosh, what happened to my sweet y/n, why aren't you trying to fight back. Huh?"

With that he walk over to my laid body before i can even try to sit and scout on it.

He throw his hands to my face. My hands try best to stop him but nothing works. My nose start bleeding as my face feel bruised. His weight over my body made me hard to get problem to take proper breathing.

Getting away from my body he stand up and kicked me very badly.
I threw up blood as I couldn't take it. Stopping his kicks he squat beside my body and grabbed my hair and make me look at him properly.
"This is why you should listen me."

He said and left my hair making me head bang on the floor as i didn't have any strength left.
With that he went to his bed and sleep leaving me on my state, sobbing and bleeding.

Jimin POV~

My eyes opened as the sun light flashed on it. And first thing I see ..that she is still on a cold floor with many bruises on her body.

I remove my headkerchief from her mouth, slowly. I suddenly feel regrets to doing all this and feel like i shouldn't do this.
No, no she deserve it!

Still after that I went to take first aid kit and sit near her.. and hesitantly start treating her wounds.
Everytime she hissed in pain in her sleep..i feel more guilt buliding inside me.

I shrugged all of it.. I'm just doing all this just because j don't want to show all this to mom and dad.

After treating her wounds,i slowly carry her and laid her body in bed and left.

Y/n POV~

I wake up and find that i don't have any headkerchief around my mouth and suddenly feel immense pain in all over my body.

I notice that my bruised wounds is treated properly. I feel confused rather shocked on thought that maybe Jimin treat them. But why?!

I somehow manage to get up and after fresh up..i went downstairs to make breakfast.


"Y/n can you please pass me the jar?"

I immediately passed jar to dad but his eyes went to my neck.
"Y/n, you're neck?"

He points and my hands immediately went to my neck.

"Y/n, can you bring me water from the kitchen please?" Mom asks

"Yes sure mom."

With that I went towards the kitchen. But when I head back i hear them talking or say giggling.

I should knew this they were talking about the marks which is on my neck.
They must have predicting something what happened yesterday but I'm the one who know.. how my body and neck is filled  with marks.
"Mom, water.."

"Thanks, by the way .. after having breakfast come in my room.".
Mom said.
"Sure "..

"Mom, what is it about?" Jimin asks.

"oh please.  Jimin it's just lady talk, so don't interpret us."

"uhh okie, fine?"

"it's okay than, let's also do a gents talk then." Dad sais with smile.


As we complete the Breakfast..i went to my mom and as she called me."

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