A Unexpected Trip!!~

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"Mom?!" I said while knocking on the door.

"Yes, Come in y/n."

"Mom you wanted to talk to me about something, right?! What is it about?"
I ask genuinely.

"Firstly come here, and sit.."
She said pointing towards bed.

I take a sit, with that mom give me something..
"Here, take this."

"What's it Mom?!"

"Y/n, I don't know what's actually happening b/w both of you, nither i want to interfere until you tell me by yourself.. but still I can feel you're stressed, i want you to smile genuinely.
That's why i plan a small trip for you to Australia. So, forget about everything and freshen up you're mind."

"Mom, I-"

"Don't worry about anything else, you'll gonna feel better!"


"Dad, What they would be the 'lady talks' about?!"

"Yahh, Why are you so curious?"

"I was just-"

"Don't think about them, think about you're future."

"What do you mean dad?"

"Mean? I see that how's you're so frustrated due to all of the office work and all.
So, i just book this for you, take this-"

"Tickets To Australia? But why?"

"See, I know it's tiring to you to take whole responsibility of office and work on yourself with that you don't get to have some time for yourself.
That's why I want you to take rest for few days."

"Really, Thanks dad! I really appreciate it."

"Yahh, why are you talking so formal to me?"

"Hehe, sorry dad."

"Anyway, there's something more I want to tapk about!"

"Yes dad?"

"See, just like you.. i also see that y/n doesn't feel cheerful like she used to before marriage.. i don't want to interfere in you're relationship. But I hope of there's something please sort out.
It was her arrange marriage just like yours..so there's no one's fault here. I want you to work on you're marriage rather then try to find a way to get away from it.
I hope you understand what I'm trying to say, that girl.. she's very nice. And i consider her as my daughter."

"Y-yes dad. I understand."

With that he get remind of everything he did to her.. how racklessly he behave to her, how he treat her.
A Guilt..

At Night~

"Uh- y/n? I- I've important meeting tomorrow and for that I've to go abroad. So, can y-you pack my stuff?"


Really, he's going too. Thank you God. Now there will be no problem to go to Australia. Nor I've to make excuses now. Phew!

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