Found & Taken [1]

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  • Dedicated to All TWFanmily out there <3

Isabella’s P.O.V

I lay down on the small single bed at the corner of the cabin. I have nowhere else to go. If that was exactly what my parents wanted, then here they go. I have no idea in which centuries whereby parents still tries to match-make their children. Definitely not in this century and my parents are obviously outdated.

I had only left them a note saying, ‘Don’t find me. I’ll come back if my legs brought me.’

I then booked my flight ticket to Indonesia, which then led me here in the woods. My grandparents had a really small cabin here and they trust no one to their secret place other than me. And now, I trust that no one would ever find me as long as I don’t leave the cabin because I informed nobody about my whereabouts.

I have been living in America for the whole 19 years of my life. I’m turning 20, really soon but I don’t see the point in having a great 20th birthday if my parents had planned to betroth me to a guy whom I don’t know.

I don’t get it. Just because I had decided not to further my studies, doesn’t mean that I wanna just rot at home and do nothing. Why do my parents have to look down on me? I have dreams to achieve. I wanna do something on my own. I wanna be able to sit and relax and get ugly with a boyfriend that I choose to be with. I wanna be able to hang out with friends and fan-girl over The Wanted. Not get tied to a marriage at a young age of 20.

I looked around the cabin and realized how much I had missed my grandparents. Both of them had passed away and the cabin was the only thing that is far away from where I lived, that I can go to when I misses them. I was always inspired by my grandparent’s love story. My granddad is a Eurasian who lives in Indonesia for his business works and had met my grandmother when he had actually sat on the wrong table of his client’s. Their love story started from there.

For a period of time, they had to endure with a long distance relationship when my grandmother had to go back to America. They got married and were gifted with 3 children, a daughter, which is my mom and 2 sons. They both then passed away a few weeks after their 62th marriage anniversary.

“I miss you, grandpa, grandma,” I murmured against the pillow and then heard a really loud sound from the outside of the cabin. I jolted up from the bed and started panicking. What was that? No one should be around, especially because the cabin is in the middle of the woods. I was all alone and I’m not planning to go anywhere to check on anything. Plus, it was getting dark outside.

I covered myself with the blanket and clutched to it. I went to sleep before praying that it shouldn’t be anything dangerous out there.


I woke up to the sun shining brightly through the translucent window. I thanked god that I wasn’t in danger. Last night before I went to sleep, I already sort of thinking all of the bad things that may happen to me the next morning, but nothing happened.

I opened up the door and was greeted by the breeze of early day. I rubbed the sides of my arms to warm me up even though I was in sweatpants and long-sleeved. I closed my eyes and let my body relaxed. It felt so calm to be just hearing birds chirping instead of the busy roadsides. I started walking with my eyes closed, but still making sure that there won’t be any trees in my way.

I smiled to myself as I walked for a solid 30 seconds without tripping or banging into anything. I was about to let out a cool sigh when I tripped on something, really big. I fell to my sides and rolled a bit. I groaned in pain and cursed at whatever I had tripped on. It must be a freaking big shit of log.

I got up and dusked off some of the dirt and brown grains on my clothes and then looked up. My eyes widened and I clasped my mouth with my right hand. My breathing felt really heavy as I stared down at the ‘big shit of log’ because it wasn’t. It was a human! I tripped on a human.

Was he dead? Why was he in the woods? How did he get in here? My mind quickly went back to really loud sound, last night. Could he have been shot here, last night? I looked around, looking for blood stains or anything but I found none.

Very slowly, I went to walked over the body and stopped a few inches away to examined. It’s a guy. He was lying, flat on the ground and his face was a little covered with his fringes and dirt. With a shaking body, I knelt down and placed two of my fingers near his nose. I let out a sigh of relieved as I could felt him still breathing.

“Hey, hey, wake up!” I told that guy. He must have fainted or something and I’m really curious to know how he had reached here, in the woods and most of all, near my cabin. The guy did not flinch at all. I thought quickly of something I needed to do.

I know it was not the best idea but I lifted up both of his arms and dragged him into my cabin before struggling to get him to the one and only bed. I took out a towel from my bag and soaked it with water before my hands worked by itself to clean the guy’s dirty face. He was still unconscious and I have no idea what I should be doing at that point of time. I wet his hair a little and combed it back.

I started watching his face closely. He really had a nice figure of a guy and his face features were really beautiful. No doubt that this guy is really good looking. His eyebrows were perfect and his eyelashes were long. Damn, I was jealous myself that I had to put on mascara to extend my lashes. I was curious to see what the color of his eyes is.

My hand then automatically started pulling his hair backwards. That was when I realized something. Why does he look all familiar? He really looked familiar. Like I’ve knew him for a long time. I tried recalling if he was to be one of the players in my school or those street-dancers members and it wasn’t long for me to realized who he was.

Isn’t he…..

Found & Taken - Nathan Sykes Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now