Found & Taken [3]

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Second chapter for the day as to make up for the previous short chapter. This is, too, indeed very short but I hope it's fine :) Dedicate goes to the second girl who added this story to her reading list :)

Isabella's P.O.V

I planned to just walked around the woods, not too far from my cabin and use the time to admire the nature until I saw a few different types of fruits growing on some trees. I went back in the cabin and took an empty basket before going back out, plucking the fruits from several different trees.

It took me some time and I was impressed with what I've gotten. The strawberries and mangoes really looked fresh. I was surprised that these fruits can still grow in woods which are most likely abandoned.

I walked back into the cabin and placed the basket on a small table. As soon as I turned around, I came in contact with his eyes. He was awake! He was conscious! I ran to his side and knelt next to the bed.

"You awake..." I stated softly.

"Who are you?" he asked as he was still lying down flat on the bed. My bed.

"I'm Isabella. You can call me Bella," I told him and smiled.

"Where am I?" he asked again as he hands moved up and started massaging his own temples.

"We're in my late grandparent's cabin," I answered.

"Why are we here? And by any chance, do you know who am I?"

"What do you mean 'do I know who are you'?" My turn to asked. From what I have known, The Wanted members are not so arrogant and question people 'oh do you know who am I? I'm that famous boy group' shit.

"I don't know. I can't remember anything. I don't know what is my name," he told me and my jaws dropped.

What did he meant when he said he don't know his name? He don't remember anything? He lost his memory? His was having amnesia? Oh my god, what am I supposed to do.

"I...I...I.." I stuttered. I don't know what am I supposed to say to him. I had never encounter people with amnesia before and I definitely don't know how to deal with these people.

"Ow! My back hurts so badly!" Nathan said loudly with a scrunching face and eyes shut. Oh shit! What do I do now? Am I supposed to run to the city and get a masseur or something? My thoughts were interrupted as Nathan yelped in pain.

"Alright hold on. I'm gonna flipped you over and try working on your back," I told him, already deciding that calling a masseur would take too long and I won't be bringing anyone in my cabin.

I saw him nodding before slowly and carefully flipping him over. I heard him groaned here and there but I mentioned some soothing words to relaxed him. He had fallen really high from somewhere above and he was really lucky to pull through any death threats. I mean, it was a miracle. He could have been dead. I rubbed his back through the sweatshirt before slipping my right hand under the fabric and slowly stroked his back.

Nathan's P.O.V

Whoever she was, I was glad that she was around. I definitely needed some help. I needed someone to tell me why am I here in what she had claimed, her late grandparent's cabin? Who am I and why can't I seem to remember anything?

"Ow! My back hurts so badly," I said loudly through gritted teeth and shut my eyes as I let my hand turned into a fist to control the stinging pain that suddenly had attacked my back.

"Alright hold on. I'm gonna flipped you over and try working on your back," that girl told me and from her voice, I could sense that she was panicking.

I gave her a small nod before she flipped me over. She was indeed a strong and brave girl. She was daring enough to helped me and flipped me over, knowing that a guy's weight would obviously be heavier than girls'. I groaned a few times and she whispered to my ears some soothing words, as to try to relax me. I felt a hand started rubbing my back before my back came in contain with another warm skin. That girl, what was her name again? Barley or Barney? She had lifted the back part of my shirt and started stroking. She then proceeded with rubbing small circles and a little massage on it.

It took me some time to relax from the pain but eventually I did. Thanks to Barley. She gave me a few last strokes before patting my back softly. I sighed and rested my right cheek on the pillow and looked to her.

"Better?" she asked. Concerns were definitely shown from her eyes.

"Yeah. Thank you, Barley," I thanked her and received a chuckled. I furrowed my brows a little before she said through small giggles.

"It's Bella."

"Oh," I answered stupidly. Not Barley. "Who are you?" I asked her and it took her some while before answering me and her answer really got me off gut.

"I'm your girlfriend."

Found & Taken - Nathan Sykes Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now