Found & Taken [12]

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Thank you @flossybitch for the awesome banner at the side :)

Isabella's P.O.V

I took my own sweet time at the lake, washing the clothes while waiting for Nathan. But he was taking forever that after two hours, I decided to walked back to the cabin. This time, I finished washing all of the dirty clothes. I was hungry but keeping myself busy would washed the hungry thoughts off my mind. When Nathan had asked me why didn't I eat anything, I lied to him. 

Truth was, my money was getting lesser and all the food that we had should only be enough for a person to survive for another month. Nathan needed to eat. I do too, of course but he needed it more than I do because he was still at the stage of recovering.

"Baby, I'm back," I called. He should probably be sleeping. Nathan's a heavy-sleeper, remember? And the easy way to wake him up was to call him baby. I opened the main door to the cabin and it was.........empty.

"Nathan?" I called again, but it was impossible for him to be around. The cabin was really small and he couldn't be hiding anywhere around.

I picked Bethan in my arms and asked her, "Where's Nathan?" but obviously, she couldn't answer me. I looked around and my eyes fell on my opened bag. Was it opened, the last time I checked?

I placed Bethan down and walked over to grab my bag. Could the cabin have been robbed and they took Nathan away to asked me for a compensation money? Oh god. I rummaged my bag and found all of them still in tact but also felt like there was some missing things. What could it be?

Wait a minute! Where are all Nathan's items? His wallet? His passport? His phone? I got it. It didn't took me long to realized that Nathan has left.

Why? Why after we confessed to each other that we loved each other? Why after we adapted to being with each other even in a small cabin? After two months, why?

Why after I realized that I really loved him?

Nathan's P.O.V

I walked around the city in confusion. I was sure this was where Bella and I went to the other day. I had dirtied my face with some mud stains and made my hair messy. That way, probably no one would recognized me.

I wandered around until I found the flea market that I had gone to. I was planning to get Bella a stalk of flower but first, I needed to go to the money changer. I checked the currency converter and wasn't sure of how much of my money should I changed to Indonesian Rupiah, but then decided on converting 500 pounds, which left me with also another few hundreds pounds and some Singapore dollars. What is that currency money doing in my wallet? Were Bella and I in Singapore? Well, that doesn't matter.

I received a thick amount of Indonesian Rupiah in exchanged of my 500 pounds. I have no idea what was the amount but I was pretty sure that it's a big amount. I quickly kept them in my wallet and proceeded to the flea market.

I picked a stalk of red rose that was still looking fresh among the rest and paid the guy with two pieces of a thousand Indonesian Rupiah. It should be enough because the guy smiled to me and said nothing but instead thanked me with a bow. I guess, that was the culture here.

Found & Taken - Nathan Sykes Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now