Found & Taken [7]

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Dedicating this to a #TWFanmily <3 Also, check out her story in the external link :)

Isabella's P.O.V

I woke up, feeling that I had the most peaceful sleep since I ran away from what I used to call, home. But it was really squeezey right now. Where was I? Oh, on the bed. Oh shit! Yeah, on the bed with Nathan. I was facing the plain wall and I wanted to turn around when I felt Nathan's arm still around my waist. For some reason, I really love his hand there. I mean, it was really once in a while when you get your idols to hold you to sleep.

I wiggled around in his arms and finally met his beautiful bluish green eyes.

"Good morning," he greeted.

"Morning," I greeted back with a really low voice. I was completely aware that I have a not so pleasant morning breath.

"Got a nice sleep?" he asked and I answered him with a 'hmmm'. It felt awkward to be so close to his face. "Ready to get up?" he asked again as he nuzzled his nose to the top of my head. What was he doing? Why was he acting like this?

"Erm, yeah," I answered uncomfortably as I tried to wiggle out from his arms. I really loved that feeling but it was getting uncomfortable with him getting all close to me.

Nathan removed his hands around me and I felt a little disappointed that the 'feeling good' was gone. But wasn't that what I wanted? I wiggled around to make him remove his hands around mine, and so that I could get away from his grip. Because, I wasn't feeling comfortable with him too close to me.

"Why?" Nathan asked. He was sitting at the edge of the bed, near my legs while I was still lying down.

"Why what?" I asked. What was he talking about?

"Why are you feeling all uncomfortable at my touch?" he inquired and if I wasn't dreaming, he had a disappointed tone in his voice.

I wasn't feeling uncomfortable. I do, so much feel comfortable. But, it was Nathan Sykes that I'm dealing with. I don't wanna love him in that way. I thought, loving him as an idol, was good enough. But how should I explain this to him?

"I wasn't feeling comfortable. I meant, I do. But......." I trailed off. But what? How do I explain to him that I was feeling comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time?

"But what?" he asked firmly, "I thought I was your boyfriend. Here I am trying my best to be a good one and start all over again but there you are, acting like you're discouraging me."

Oh yeah! I had forgotten that I was his girlfriend. Okay, a made-up one. Now, this happens when you lied too much. How do I explain myself?

"I told you I'm gonna try my best. Can't you just give me, more time? I can try and I promise I will," he added, which made me felt so bad.

I jolted up from bed and took one of his hands in mine and tapped it lightly, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize what I was doing. I'm sorry if it looks like I wasn't feeling comfortable. It's just that....we haven't been doing anything intimate for quite some time."

Found & Taken - Nathan Sykes Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now