Chapter 6: Re-patching and Restitching

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Your P.O.V

I was crying my eyes out, as usual. Ever since that day, I had avoided going outside as much as possible. I still attended classes, but as soon as they were over I ran to my room and cried over him.

Every day, less and less tears were shed, but today they were extra fresh.

I had seen him while walking to my dorm to cry. He took a step towards me, and I ran away. His expression held sorrow, but I didn't care. Probably because he lost a follower.

I got a knock on the door.

"Its Meiko." My best friend, Meiko said. I sniffled a 'come in' and she shuffled inside the dorm.

"Wh- *sniff* what do you- *sniff sniff* wa- *sniff* want?" I tried sounding polite, but you never sound polite crying, now do you?

"You have a visitor..." She scooted to the side of the room, allowing him to walk inside.

I averted my gaze to the (F/C) sheets, while I heard Meiko mutter a 'i'm just gonna....go' and scuffle out the door.

"What." I stated more than asked, my tone harsh and forceful.

"You need to listen-"

"NO." I exclaimed. "YOU should listen. I got your message, you don't need to come here and try to woo me back because you lost a follower. If you don't love me the way I love you, that's fine. Please, if I see you all it will do is break my heart even more..." I said (preach XD).

"Then may I re-patch and restitch your heart?" Kaname suddenly knelt in front of me.

"What do you-"

My words were silenced from something warm on my lips. I blushed, about to push him away. Yet when my hands touched his chest, the melted away from my control and wrapped around his neck. i finally started kissing back, and his hands placed onto my waist.

When we finally parted for oxygen, he rested his forehead on mine.

"I love you, (Y/N). Never forget that." He intructed. I nodded.

"I l-love you t-too..." I stuttered. Kaname smiled, causing me to blush.

His cheek touched mine as his nose nuzzled my neck. He kissed it gently before letting go of me entirely.

"Maybe I should go before class. I wouldn't want to make you late for your job." Kaname smiled once more before standing up.

Before he left, I shouted, "Wait!"

he turned to me expectantly. "You should smile more. It makes you look so much more handsome!" I flashed my own smile.

He chuckled. "i'll remember that."

And with that, the door closed.

My heart had been re-patched, restitched, and rebooted. I was head over heals for Kaname, and I knew he loved me just as much.


Hello, fellow lovelies ^.~

Here is the next chapter! Hope you enjoyed, thank you sooo much for all the positive feedback and all the love I get for this series! And don't worry, this is far from the last chapter ;) ;) ;)))))

Zero: Hey, Analiese. Did you know you don't own me or Kaname? You don't own any of Vampire knight in fact! You also don't own Meiko, or even Reader-chan! Did you know that?

Me: No I didn't! Now I do!


I love you all! ^.~

-The Fabulous

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