Chapter 8: Betrayal

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Your P.O.V

I'm in love with my brother.

The thought rang through my head. Kaname looked at me, but I was focused on his neck.

"Drink." I heard him say. I finally looked at Kaname, with disbelief in my eyes.

"But... Let me register.... You're my brother, and I'm... A... Pureblood.... Vampire...?" I asked, my eyes and heart pleading for an answer.

"Yes." He brought my body close to his, a warm embrace attacking my body. I hadn't realized how cold I was.

"And.... I'm a...."

"Pureblood Princess." Kaname finished for me. "The youngest."

"Then that means... Yuuki is meant to be your bride...?" I sort of asked, I was terrified for the answer.

"Yes." Kaname stated bluntly. I looked to see his eyes, and they were breaking. They held sorrow, and love. 

I gave a sad smile "I wish you guys luck, then."

Kaname quickly brought me head in, and gave me a quick, but passionate, kiss.

"But I want you." He said when we parted. I blushed, leaning my forehead against his.

"I wish I could be your bride, but I mustn't steal you from her. Who knows, maybe I will find someone else to love..." I forced a smirk, because that's all I could muster. 

"No." Kaname decided. "You must be my bride. I want you, not her." (Yandere much?)

"Oh, Kaname." I hugged him once more, before climbing onto the (F/C) blanket on my bed.

"Now, you must drink." Kaname cleared his neck from his shaggy brown hair. I realized how much my throat burned once more, and gladly accepted his neck.

Right when I was about to lick his neck, I sighed. 

"I can't."

"Why not?" Kaname asked, his patience obviously leaving.

"How can I bite the one I love the most?" I reasoned. Kaname chuckled.

"Its very obvious you are a new vampire." I pouted at this remark.

"Shut up!" I playfully smacked his arm, until my eyes flashed red once more. 

Just drink, already! My inner voice shouted. I inwardly sighed, before leaning into his neck.

"Its an honor to have the one you love drink from you." Kaname cleared up. I gave him a thankful smile, and put my head into the crevice of his neck. 

Instinctively, my tongue licked the spot I liked best. Without thinking, I dove my new fangs into his soft skin.

"Good... Just like that..." Kaname whispered into my ear, stroking my (H/L) (H/C) hair. 

Once I was full, I let go of his neck. I licked the blood dripping down his neck away, and smiled at him.

"You have something right there..." Kaname rubbed some blood off of my mouth, and licked it up himself. I blushed slightly.

"Thank you..." I said, before peering out the window.

"You know, we must speak to the Headmaster about your change now." Kaname said. I nodded.

"That way, the Day Class-"

"No." Kaname cut me off. "You are to be transferred to the Night Class."

"Oh..." This didn't really matter. The only friends I had in Day Class were Zero and Yuuki, and I doubted Yuuki would stay in the Night Class either. And Zero hated Yuuki when she was a vampire, I figured the same for me.

Suddenly, I ran into Kaname when he stopped. This allowed me to sniff his open wound, as I was up to his neck!

"Ow-" Once I sniffed, his blood smelled oddly familiar... 

Suddenly, Yuuki appeared. She looked rather smug.

"Kaname, did (Y/N) bite you? Fellow sister, he is my fiance." Yuuki smirked. Then, I recognized Kaname's blood smell.

It smelled like Yuuki.


Two cliffhangers in a row? Aren't I the most evil?

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight. I do not own you. I only own the plot.

Don't forget: I am also writing a Link x Reader! Check that out!

Still waiting for if you guys are willing to read a Len x Reader x Rinto!

Also, for the people who are like "Where's Butsu?" He has been tagging along, but next chapter you will see A LOT of him! I promise!

To keep this promise, I will update the Link x Reader then post another chapter of this! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and have a wonderful day/night/whenever you see this!

-The Fabulous

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