Chapter 11: I Found Her!

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Kaname's P.O.V

I had searched the whole forest.


The other aristocrats couldn't find her scent anywhere. I smashed my fist against a tree, causing it to go flying.

"Lord Kaname-" Aidou started. I sent him a death glare, and he shut right up.

"Where is she?!" I barked through clenched teeth.

Then, I heard a faint meowing. Turning to my right, I saw Butsu trot up to us. I looked at the little kitten, crouching down.

"I bet you miss her as much as me, huh?" I whispered to him, scratching the soft fur behind his tiny ears.

He sent a small 'meow' and started trotting in a certain direction. Her turned around, and meowed in protest when he saw we weren't following.

Aidou shrugged. "Maybe the cat knows her trail, and sense something. Maybe he saw them go somewhere."

I glared. "(Y/N)'s cats name is Butsu." I spat. Aidou took a step back, scared of my wrath.

I started walking towards Butsu, and we were led down a path.

Pretty soon, we were in front of a large patch of trees. Butsu meowed.

"This cat is good-for-nothing!" Aidou complained. I shot another death glare, and Butsu meowed once more.

"Butsu wouldn't lead us here for nothing." I observed the trees. Looking carefully, I saw a whole big enough to fit 2 people at a time. It was well hidden behind branches, so you couldn't see it at first glance. "There's a hole here. Let's go."

Crawling into the hole, the aristocrats and I made our way to the end.

~Timeskip cuz I'm lazy XP~

When we finally made it to the end, I breathed a sigh of relief. The whole way, Aidou complained that it 'is taking forever' and 'is ruining my hair!' and more. It really annoyed everyone.

I looked at the scene in front of us. There was a small cabin, that could only hold about 5 people. It was made out of wood, and looked to have two rooms. Observing the second half of the cabin, it was made completely out of glass. I was about to walk inside, but something stopped me.

No, someone.


"What business do you have here?" Rido snarled.

"Simply getting the one I love back!" I barked back. Rido howled in laughter.

"Like you could." He immediately screeched, and about 30 Level E's approached from the woods. Rido scurried inside, leaving us to deal with the Level E's.

Your P.O.V

My once (H/C) hair that was full of volume and shine, was full of blood from beatings. My once beautiful (S/C) skin now was bruised and blistered, and covered in cuts. My (E/C) eyes used to hold joy and excitement, now all they held was fear and sadness.

II heard howling of laughter from Rido, but I payed it no mind. It was probably him raving about his victory again.

A couple minutes he screeched, and rushed to my prison.

He tied a rope around my neck, and undid my chains. He pulled me upstairs, choking me. My legs were almost too weak to carry my weight, but I forced them so he wouldn't harm my neck anymore than he already had. 

He dragged me to a room made completely out of windows. For once, I saw my surroundings. It wasn't much, just forest. But, the thing that caught my eyes was all the Level E's. My eyes widened, and I saw Aidou fighting them. Did they come for me...?

I turned around when Rido made a noise that didn't belong to anything human or animal-like. It was his very own.

"Ri-Rido? Why am I h-here?" I stuttered.

"I need you to do something for me..." After he uttered those words, the room fell completely dark.

invisible voices floated around whispering "Die... Kill yourself... You don't deserve to live..." 

After a few minutes, I had had enough. I fell to my knees, holding my head in my hands.

"NO!!" I screeched, and heard a loud sound of glass shattering.

I looked up. The darkness was gone, but all the glass had broken. It was surrounding me, and falling on my bare skin. 

"Lord Kaname!" My eyes widened at Aidou's words. "I found her!"

That was the last thing I heard, before I blacked out from all the glass cutting me.


Hope you enjoyed the cliffhanger! >:)

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight. I do not own you. I merely own Butsu and the plot.

Don't forget to read my other stories! I have a Link x Reader and a Len x Reader x Rinto!

Have a beauuuutiful day/night/whenever you see this!

-The Fabulous

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