Chapter 7

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Misty's POV:

I uncovered my eyes and looked at the debris. A pile of rocks laid in the place of our enemy. large clouds of dust formed around us. I desperately searched around for Alice but it was no use. I couldn't see a thing.

"Alice" I screamed out only to hear silence. Has the rubble consumed her? Shortly after, i heard a call back "Im here sis" I was filled with relief

The fog slowly dispersed. Alice was hugging David, cowering in fear. "Is... Is it over?" She asked.

"Yes" I heard a voice from behind me. I jumped back and pointed my sword to it's face. After getting a good look at it, I realized it was just our young teammate.

I took a deep breath. "You scared me. Don't appear out of nowhere like that again" For the first time, I saw her smile.

My attention quickly turned to Alice. She was still holding on to that boy. Um, you can let go now" I said to her. She freaked out after the realization that she was hugging him.

"No, its fine" David said, smiling at Alice as she released her grip on him. I tried to make David uncomfortable by staring him down. It seemed to work.

It was nice and all that Alice might like this guy but he is still human. He would quickly break her heart if he finds out we're dragons.

Alice said "Wait I don't get it, how did the blade go through? That dagger doesn't even seem sharp enough to hurt a fly."

David looked offended at what I said. He pulled out his dagger and realized it was in flames. He walked over to the bottle he had used and picked it up. "It must've been this" he looked over to the girl. "what was this?"

The girl had a crazed look on her face "It is a mixture of the simplest chemical. Its basically liquid fire. In the bottle, its in a liquid form, but a few seconds after hitting oxygen, it bursts into flames."

"Wouldn't it blow up like a bomb?" I asked.

"No, its not as strong as an actual bomb." She was smiling. She must really love alchemy. "I have tons of others too."

Suddenly, the villagers began pouring out of their homes. They came to congratulate us. The elder of the village walked up to me and everyone circled around her. "I am grateful that you are here. Your tougher than you look." She looked around then continued "and none of our remaining village was destroyed in the process. Thank you" She bowed and the rest of the village followed.

I felt extremely uncomfortable. "Thats not necessar-" The girl grabbed my hand and pulled me down to her height. "Let them bow" she whispered in my ear while smiling.

The elder finished bowing and said "I must know the names of the children that saved this village."

Everyone gave her their name. The girl told the Elder that her name was "Hope." The elder pinched her cheeks and said "Thats adorable!"

" I just remembered something!" Alice blurted out. "Where's Derek! He's suppose to be here" We all searched around.

The elder began and said "Who's this Derek character?!? You 4 were the only people that came to this village tonight. Unless one of these villager's name is Derek... But I thought I knew everyone's name" she turned around and yelled "IS THERE A DEREK HERE?!?" No one answered "there's no Derek here?!? Ok then"

"Well don't worry about finding our Derek... Is it ok if we stay tonight? It's getting kind of late and it would be tedious to return to the guild at this late hour" I said nicely

"Well of course!!! It's the least I can do!" The elder directed us through the village until we came to a tall house, it was the nicest one I'd seen in the village.

"Here you go, if you need anything, just ask." I opened the doors to reveal the unexpected

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