Chapter 4

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Alice POV:

I looked around for any familiar faces as if I knew anyone.

What am I doing? I asked myself. My sister and I have never actually had friends.

"Hey! its good to see you again!" A sudden voice startled me and I quickly jumped back. I turned around to see a boy with short light brown hair. He was wearing a long black cloak that was outlined in red. It was the boy I had met earlier.

Next to him was a girl 3 times shorter than him. She was also wearing a cloak but her's was fully black. She refused to look at me. She would only stare at the ground.

"Hi" I said, trying not to sound overly excited.

"Hey, I was wondering. Do you need a group? We need two more people"

I turned around to see Misty smiling at me. Her eyes kept moving between the boy and I.

"Yeah, Thats my sister over there" I pointed at her without making eye contact. I knew she would probably wink at me if I looked at her again.

"Thats perfect."

Misty butted in. "My name is Misty, and this is my little sister Alice."

He looked embarrassed "Im sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is David" He bowed.

I looked at the girl that was standing next to him. "Whats your name." I held my hand out to her.

My words seem to have startled her. She looked up at me, but before she could make eye contact, her focus went back to the ground

An awkward silence fell between us.

"She's... a little shy. I don't know what her name is. She has barely spoken to me." David said

"We should probably get going." Misty said.

David put his hand on his back of his head "Lets go then." David whispered something into the girls ear, then began to walk towards the exit. His hand was on her back, softly pushing her in front of him.

At the acceptance hall, David said "i'll go get us registered."

"I'll go with you" Misty accompanied David to the registration desk.

There was an unsettling silence. The girl was standing next to me, still staring at her shoes. She looked a lot younger than me. she looked about 8 years old. I wonder why a kid so young is trying out for something like this

"Hi my name is Alice" I had held my hand out towards her. Like earlier, there was still no response. Maybe she didn't hear me. I touched her shoulder, causing her to jump back.

"Please don't touch me" she said softly, barely loud enough to be heard.

That was a start. It was the first time I've ever heard her voice.

David and Misty had finally returned. A tall man wearing a black suit was following closely behind.

"My name is Derek. I will be your instructor."

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