Chapter 5

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Misty POV:

"What do we have to do?" Alice said excitedly

Derek glared at her. Her smile quickly vanished. "I was getting to that"

I quickly walked over and held Alice's hand for comfort. I could tell that she found The man to be intimidating.

He cleared his throat. "you will be given a task to complete. complete it as quickly and efficiently as possible. I will be grading your progress."

He picked out a piece of paper and handed it to me. "here, this is you assignment."

I held it out in front of me, allowing everyone around me to read it. it read "there have been many disturbances in our village lately. people have apparently spotted a rock golem that has been a destroying buildings leaving many people homeless. please send help to us immediately. Your reward will be 300 dollars." It was adressed from the village of hope, Elpis.

We all looked at Derek in disbelief. Killing a golem on the first day?

He must've read our expressions because he soon said. " I am also here for protection, a precaution to keep you safe."

There was a long silence.

David was the first to speak up. "I know where Elpis is. its not far from here. I've been there before. It's such a lovely village." He pushed the large double doors leading to the outside and pointed north. "Come on!"

As i caught up to David, i saw Derek write something on his paper. He looked disgusted.

This guy is going to be tough to win over.

I stood next to David and said "lets go." He nodded then continued forward.

As i was walking, I felt the heat of Alice's breath. We were still holding hands yet she was slightly behind me.

Derek must really frighten her

David confidently lead us to the village.

The walk was longer than expected. Earlier David had made it seem like we could make it there in a few minutes or so. It was completely sunny when we were at the guild and now the sun is setting.

We've finally made it to the village and the sky was painted bright orange. There was just enough light to see the forest's destruction. The closer we got to the village, the more debris we saw. trees were split in half and building were torn apart as if a tornado had struck through.

Alice's hand began to shake and she walked even closer to me than she did before.

Off in the distance, a villager spotted us, yelling while running around in excitement "Hey, they're here!" All of the villagers dropped everything and greeted us. People were pouring out of their houses just to see us.

I don't know how these people knew that we were the ones sent from the guild, but they made sure to celebrate our arrival.

I begun to notice an old short lady trying to push her way through the crowd of people. I could hear her muttering insults at the people in her way. She finally made it through the crowd and slowly approached us. "So you're here to fulfill our request?"

We all nodded. I really felt compelled how they knew we were the ones sent to help but I just let the question falter from my mind.

"I expected you to be a little older... What is the guild thinking?!? Sending you children out here?!? Is there some sort of adult with you?"

"Yeah, he's right he-" I turned around to discover that Derek had vanished. I quickly changed my answer "No, we are on our own."

Everyone looked around in confusion. there was no sign of Derek.

"Well, I cant just let a bunch of childr-" Suddenly, the ground began to shake.

A woman holding her child tightly screamed. "its coming!"

Everyone started fleeing into their home. the old lady said "I hope you know what your doing" kShe started running as well.

I never thought i'd see the day an old lady would outrun young, energetic children. It was crazy and amusing

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