Chapter 3

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Misty's POV

We walked down a seemly endless hallway. As we approached our destination, I had begun to hear loud voices.

"Here we are!" Claire pointed to the door directly in front of me.

This is it, I said to myself, as I attempted to turn the doorknob.

I was shivering from my own fear. My efforts to turn the doorknob were failing, as my hand was shaking so vigorously that I couldn't get a grip.

"Hurry up!" Alice pushed me out of the way, and turned the knob herself.

I was nervous because I didn't want to mess anything up. this is the best thing thats happened to us ever since the day our parents died. Darn my nerves. Why won't they just go away?

Alice rushed through the door. I caught a glimpse of her expression as she walked passed me. She's fearful. I can see it in her eyes. Maybe we are both sharing the same fears right now.

The room ahead was small. There were many training dummies and targets against every wall.

I stood there in awe at the hundreds of people that had were crowding the small room. I was mainly concerned with how we all fit.

"Can you believe we finally made it!" She was trying to act excited but I can see the fear overtaking her.

I shook my head. "Don't get your hopes up. There are hundreds of people here. I don't want you to get down if we don't make it"

Her expression remained unchanged. "Don't be such a downer!" she stuck her tongue out at me. "Look over there " she said, point to a small group of boys fighting a training dummy.

"The boys, what about them?" I said, with a confused expression on my face.

"Keep looking, you'll see it"

I continued to watch the boys. a few seconds later, one of the boys wielding a sword, swung at a training dummy. The force from the impact knocked him back and he fell to the ground.

"You see" she said to me. "look around, we are better than most people here" she smiled at me and I immediately returned the gesture.

It was a good thing for her acknowledge but her saying that was extremely rude.

"Excuse me" Claire standing on the back of a chair. She somehow managed to balance herself and the chair, preventing herself from falling. she must specialize in agility.

"Your evaluation will begin shortly." She swiftly flipped off the chair and landed perfectly on the ground. She continued speaking as if nothing happened. "You will be evaluated in group of four. When you've successfully created a group, proceed to the desk in the acceptance hall. From there, the evaluation will properly begin." She bowed, then exited the room.

Many people, who were already in groups, began running out the door, eager to go to begin their proper evaluation. Others like us looked around nervously to find other people that seemed compatible with ourselves.

My sister and I made eye contact real fast. What were we going to do?!? We've never had friends before!

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