Mina x F!Reader

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Warm Hearts

(Name)'s Pov

I just moved back to Japan after spending years in America with my family. My mom had work there and decided to take me along with her, even though I could've stayed with my dad. I don't think she'd like being away for so long, not like she'd admit that.

My parents are divorced, but they absolutely adore each other. As friends in their words, but I know they still have a spark between them.

Before we moved, I had two amazing best friends, but ultimately lost contact with both of them. I'm sure that they were as devastated as I. I'd probably get to see them both at UA highschool- they both talked about being heroes when we were little.

I forgot to mention that I'm quirkless! Although I'm Quirkless, I can still kick ass. I trained hard when I was little, just to be like All Might. I somewhat achieved that goal, surpassing said man.

I got in through recommendations, which I'm sure will raise a lot of attention. Probably that, and the fact that I'm assistant teacher. My father is always tired, which is probably another reason mom didn't leave me with him. She knew he was capable though, I know that.

Not a day goes by that I don't think about those two...Mina Ashido and Eijirou Kirishima.

I loved them both, but something else drew me to Mina and made my heart pound out of its chest. She was the sweetest girl i knew, besides her bitter acid.

I shook my head with a smile, walking into the class with my head held high. I saw that everyone was staring at me the moment I walked in. Some look as if I had two heads attached to me and others sparkled? The hell?

"I'm (Name) Aizawa!" I introduced myself and immediately got questioned.

Two people caught my attention, resembling my best friends since childhood. "Mina? Eijiro?"

Everyone's head snapped to the two and a blonde shouted, "oi! Shitty hair! Alien bitch! Do you two know this extra?" I glared at him hard, but restrained myself.

All I could hear after that was a simultaneous, "no way, (Name)?!"

They both ran to me, Eijirou picking me up and spinning me around. He held me tight, tearing up. "I thought I'd never see you again."

"I'd never leave you, my big rock." I looked up at him and kissed his cheek, hugging Mina this time.

"Hi, Miss Alien." She hugged me back tightly, her soft horns pressing into my cheek. I smiled as I heard her quiet sobs of joy.

Alien was a name I called her when we first met, but it slipped out and it was more sweet than brooding.

My mind wandered to when we first met,

"Woaaah! You're like...a real life alien! Thats so cool!" Little me smiled at small Ashido.

It took one remark and she was sobbing louder than she was. She was beaten up and curled into a tiny ball. I hugged her tightly, "you're super cool! Aliens are really awesome and you're pretty too! I've always wanted to see one! Can we be friends?" I asked the last question suddenly, making her laugh a little.

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