Luffy x Reader

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"Love isn't easy. It's full of hardships and full of chance. Chance of heartbreak, but also chance of living with the one you love forever. You'll know when ya feel it kiddos." Dadan told the three kids she was forced to take care of, a smirk gracing her face.

Luffy whined, "how would you even know if you're in love!?" To which the other two nodded, wanting to know the answer as well.

"Three things can happen. Your heart will speed up near em, you think of that person a lot, you feel happy and any positive emotion with them or all three." Was her response that got the strawhat to think.

He then grinned, laughing a little. "But I feel that with Ace and Sabo! Does that mean I'm in love with them?"

Dadan laughed at the boy's curiosity and tilted head, wiping her non-existent tears. "No, no. You don't feel like kissing them do you?"

Luffy's face turned to one of disgust and he shook his head, while the other two boys did the same. They all laughed after it.


"Captain!" (Name) called out for Luffy, looking around the ship. She looked in his quarters, in the kitchen and the crows nest, racking her head to think of where the rubber boy could possibly be.

Her eyes widened and she laughed at her stupidity- he'd of course be at the bow of the ship. The lions head. Floating up to him using her wind element, she sat next to him. "Hey." She mumbled, looking at the sunset.

"Hiya!" His demeanor was clearly off despite the happiness lacing his voice. She could hear the sadness mixed into it.

He was most likely thinking of his brothers and her best friends. They all met when they were kids, (Name) being the youngest out of the bunch. She always had a thing for Luffy, though when she was little, she didn't know what she was feeling.

"Luffy?" She placed her hand on his shoulder, feeling them tremble a little. Her eyes softened completely, a frown etching her face.

"I'm here, no matter what. I'll protect you." The genuine smile that spread across the rubber boys face showed her that she said something right.

"Neh? But I'm supposed to protect you, shishishish! You're going to be my wife one day so it only makes sense!"

Another frown etched her features and sadness replaced her happy eyes. She knew Luffy didn't know what marriage was. It bothered her but she just nodded and jumped from the lion's head.

Weeks later, Luffy out of the blue hugged (Name), smiling at her. "Hi Queen of the pirates!"

He had been calling her this for two weeks and no one knew why. As far as everyone - including (Name), besides Nami and Robin- knew, the teen didn't know what the word even meant. Boy were they wrong.

Boa Hancock had been sailing with the straw hats for a day, the Koūja pirates right behind their ship. No one knew why the prettiest woman in the world would want to sail with the nicest pirate group, but it worked.

"Nami, help!" (Name) mouthed to the strawberry blonde, pleading with her eyes to get their captain off her hip.

Nami nodded, "(Name), I need to talk to you! Alone. That means get off her, Luffy!" She snatched the poor girl out of the future kings arms, running off to their room.

One-Shots, Two-Shots, SmutHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin