Chapter 23

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I instantly freeze, turning my head around to see, of course, Jeff.

God damn it, how am I going to explain this.

"O-oh, Jeff! Good morning" Toby smiles, walking over to the breakfast table and patting the seat next to him. Jeff quickly walks over and takes it before I get the chance, scooting the chair next to him closer. "Come sit down with us, I would like to know what happened last night" He says, slouching. I sit next to him, turning to face him. 

"Its not really something to say in the middle of breakfast" I whisper, glancing around at the room that seems to be growing more crowded by the minute. "Good thinking, Y/N" Toby winks, grinning at Jeff who begins to jump to the wrong conclusions. I reach over and punch Toby in the arm. 

"Stop making it seem like we did something!" I shake my head, chuckling slightly. Jeff lets out a low sigh. "I swear to god if you guys did anything stupid I'm kicking both of your asses" Jeff props his head up with his hand as we wait for our breakfast. 

Once we get our food, the three of us eat quietly. Hushed conversations are heard here and there, but the room is pretty much silent. I finish my food and get out of my seat, attracting a few eyes since I was the first to get up. I thank Slender for the food and go upstairs to my room, waiting for Jeff to finish eating. 

Soon enough, he comes and sits down next to me on the bed. "Start the story" He sprawls out on my bed. "So if I tell you, say you won't be upset or say anything till I'm finished" I look down at him with serious eyes. 

"Sure whatever" He rolls his eyes. "I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen, and no, I didn't know that Nina was going there too, but she just so happened to be" I start. "Y/N I-" I cut him off, "I'm not done yet" I lay down beside him. "Of course you know the bitch tries to start problems with me, and pretty soon it turns physical, because of her by the way, and I might have tried to stab her but it was her fault-" 

"Y/N, do you know how you sound right now?"

"I don't know what you mean" I say. "I mean, you 'might have tried to stab her' talking about it like it's not a big deal?" He raises an eyebrow. "Oh shut up, you do it all the time-" "Besides the point right now, Y/N!" He sits up. "If you actually did it, do you know how much trouble you would be in with Slender?" 

"I know, but you didn't let me finish. I wasn't feeling like myself, but before I could hurt her, Toby snapped me out of it. We went upstairs, talked about it, then I passed out in his bed.. And yes, he slept on the floor and not with me" I sigh, and I could see the big cloud of envy leave his glare. 

"Y/N, the fighting with Nina will not and cannot continue, do you understand?" He looks at me, stone faced. "Why so serious, Joker Boy?" I have trouble containing my laughter. "Y/N, I'm being for real, Slender will not take it lightly, I promise you" He rolls over, laying on top of me. "Okay okay, I get it!" I wheeze as he puts all his weight onto me. 

"Damn, am I really that big?" He chuckles, kissing my cheek softly. "Big enough to where you're crushing my ribcage, jackass!" 

Timeskip (◕‿◕)♡

After hours of talking and messing around, we barely noticed that it was time for dinner. We walk down the hallway, hand in hand, which catches a certain persons eye. I feel a grip on my shoulder, and I get pulled back.

Not who I expected, but I'm not disappointed.

"Hey Ben, what's up" I chuckle, not having talked to him since the night I got back from the mission. "'Sup guys! I thought about something fun to do tonight-" "Not interested" Jeff interrupts. "And why not?" I shove him softly with a fake gasp. "Don't know, just don't feel like it"

"I'll do it!" I smile. "Awesome, and if you ever change your mind then we'll be in the living room after dinner!" Ben grins at Jeff, walking ahead of him and taking me with him. "Come on Jeff, let's hurry for dinner!" I grab his hand, rushing him down the hallway.

We make it down to the dinner table, picking out our spots and waiting for the food. We get handed our plate and quickly finish it off. I stand up with Jeff, putting our dishes in the sink and going up the stairs.

"Y/N, may I speak to you in my office?" I hear a low voice ask. I shiver, already knowing what's going to happen. "Yes sir" I say quickly, fidgeting with my hands. Last thing I want to do right now is piss of this tall ass tentacle creature.

He walks down the hallway in fast steps, causing me to have to jog every now and then.

Damn him and his long ass legs.

We make it to his office, and he makes sure to close and lock the door behind us. Well fuck.

"So Y/N, I'm sure you know why I've called you in here, yes?" He ask, and I quickly nod. "Explain your reason" He sighs. "Everywhere I go, she's there, she picks at me all the time and its extremely annoying, Slender. I finally snapped last night and I'm glad that it ended without anything worse happening.." I continue on, hoping he understands my point of view.

"Well Y/N, it looks like things are in your favor today. I happen to be in a decent mood, and Nina has been known to do these things to people. Now what I ask is that you end the fighting, physically at least, before I have to step in.. And if I have to step in, there will be an extreme consequence. Is that understood?" He ask calmly.

"Yes sir" I nod, looking up at him with serious eyes. I don't know how Slender does it, but he keeps the most calm tone in serious situations, while I can barely contain my tears or laughter.

"Now go join the others in the living room, I believe you had something planned. Go have fun, and do not start any trouble, Ms. Y/N. Understood?" He says as I walk out the door.

That scared the hell out of me, but its over now I guess. Now to go to the living room, who will I see?

Another new update, sorry it was a bit late. I just started school and I haven't really been doing a lot involving electronics, so I'll just need a bit of time between updates. Have a good night Waffle Children, and peace!

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