His Name's Niall And...

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Time did not exist anymore in Zayn's mind, the constant ebb of the words free flowing from his mind, creating Niall Horan, detailing his life giving him texture deducing his fears and loves, developing his humanity. It was what Zayn craved for, the chance to enchant himself with someone who was just pure perfection, an image of pure bliss. Zayn was addicted, Niall had become a drug he could not dare to leave he was a blooming figure in the dullness of Zayn's life, he felt the vigour that was lost was now regained with the presence of Niall, he would not and could not severe himself from him. Zayn loved how Niall wasn't normal, how he's only finished one book in his life yet still manages to keep an intellectual conversation and Zayn loved how Niall would blush crimson if you would complement his art, he adored Niall's bubbly demeanour to everything in life, where Niall was there was sunshine and rainbows and obnoxious pieces of chocolate descending from the sky filling the lives of people with vibrancy and joy. Night and day ceased to exist as Zayn told the story of his love life with Niall, their first encounter, their first date, their first kiss, their first time, and of these were beautiful, each scene invigorating. Zayn was genuinely ecstatic because he did not only find a new book or a new idea, he found a new life in Niall, a life he did not deem illogical and far from normal, but he was too in love with the prospect of Niall to even disenchant himself from his dream state. 

In Zayn's mind he was happy because he had a muse once more an inspiration to give a pulse to his dormant imagination. He thought that he fell once more with his writing and not the character he had created. That was what he really thought...

Only when he gave Liam his work did he realize his unnatural affinity to his character. His unrelenting feelings toward this person, this figment of his imagination made him realize he was as it were, a depressing lonely writer who's only love in life is a fictional being. 

Liam was eyeing Zayn curiously, because he loved what he saw in front of him, a boy who's life was rejuvenated by something, by a muse which only he could perceive, only he could touch, only he could empathize with. Zayn had created his own happiness and Liam had no intention of breaking  Zayn's relationship with this character, for he brought out the best in Zayn even when it did not even exist. He wanted Zayn to discard the absurdity and experience the happiness he had created for himself. But now that Zayn has grasped its audacity, he now was in a state of regress, submitting himself to the oddity of his circumstance.

Zayn was wallowing in his self pity, just internally slapping himself stooping to a new low of desperation for someone to love, then his mind went back to her, Perrie, and he just lost it.

"Perrie was such a bitch" his voice carrying 6 months of misery

"I mean who leaves someone when their father just died? Who is inhumane enough to not get how hard it is to lose one's father? How could she leave me like that?" All bitterness and sorrow spewing out of his mouth.

"Someone who couldn't love you properly" Liam retorts

"A fucking slut that's what she is." Liam just sighed and said " Tell me about her"

"I don't want to talk about Perrie." Liam interjects "Not her, your character tell me about her"

Zayn gives a relieved sigh and says "It’s a he" Liam doesn't flinch just gives a reassuring gesture to give  Zayn the chance to talk.

"Niall, Niall James Horan. he was born in Mullingar Ireland. He was an only child, his first crush was Michael Buble and Gene Simmons. Yes Gene Simmons, he was always a simple person. Niall loved music as much as he loves art, he plays the guitar with his right hand even though he is left handed. He was never really lucky in love, always dating douche bags who never treated him properly, but Niall always fought back and always left marks to remind his exes to not mess with him. He loves drinking beer and Irish Cream and he has a stomach that you could compare to a black hole." Zayn pauses for a moment just the thought of him sent tingles down his spine " And he knows that a change is coming."

The Boy in the Typewriter (Ziall) (Ruby Sparks AU)Where stories live. Discover now