I See Him, You See Him, We All See Him

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They were seated in a rustic Mexican restaurant, Zayn was happily eating the nacho and guacamole, his face displaying a satisfied grin, he was chewing the chip so vigorously and reacting so exaggeratedly. Louis eyed his brother curiously because this was not the Zayn he saw three days ago, this was boy in front of him had a glint in his eyes, a unmistakable glimmer which made him look so calm and content. His face looked so much brighter, his lips were plumper and always in a wide grin. He had a weird glow to him, he also had a softer complexion his prominent cheekbones looked different somehow, not as if he got fatter, but he had roundness, a fullness to his body and all in all Zayn looked absolutely blissful and something else Louis could relate to, something he felt every single time he saw Harry, Zayn was in love. That was why he looked so happy, that is why it seems as if everything is all good in this world. Because Zayn was irrevocably in love and Louis was concerned, not because Zayn was in love, but it was who Zayn was in love with. Apparently after calling Louis that time he thought he was imagining Niall in his house it turned out he was real and now Zayn wanted to introduce Niall to him and Harry.

The couple were currently staring at Zayn their faces etched with curiosity, confusion and disbelief. Harry was the first to break the heavy silence that had fallen on the three.

"It may seem very out of this world and crazy, but I believe you and I cannot wait to meet him" Harry beams at Zayn giving him cheeky grin in the process, Zayn gave him an appreciative smile, while Louis looks at him incredulously

"Zayn I'm really happy that you're happy but do you expect me to believe that Niall, the boy you created in your head is real" Louis asks quite pointedly at Zayn

"Yes, we walk Hatchi and stuff; he's really friendly, sometimes too friendly actually." Zayn answers happily, he knew that Louis was going to have doubts about Niall, hell Zayn almost lost him because he didn't believe his existence, but he was surprised with Harry's immediate acceptance of Niall, maybe because he was so deeply in love with Louis he knew how it felt to be in love and he knew how love looked and he saw himself in the tan boy, but Zayn also knew he was going to keep quiet when Louis was going to tell Zayn off because Harry already knew that Louis was going to be concerned, because Louis saw Zayn differently, he grew up with Zayn and he knows all of Zayn's quirks and he was very protective of him. So Harry sat next to Louis his hand in interlinked with his lovers as he watched pensively at the events occurring before him.

"Zayn this is impossible" Louis states his words lost in his racing concerns for Zayn's sanity, becauase he wanted Zayn to be happy, but he didn't want Zayn to face the ridicule of being labeled crazy, because he had enough of that already when he was young, but after the book and all his success Louis though it wouldn't come back anymore, he wouldn't have feel alienated again. Though he knew that doing this would help Zayn see things clearly he was also beating himself up because Zayn was happy, even if it wasn't normal, he was not that perpetually harassed writer who looked like he was about to burst, he was Zayn again and Louis hated fighting this Zayn.

"Apparently its not" Zayn states plainly not bothering the concerned look his brother was giving him.

"Have you told Liam?" Louis questions

"Ummm well-" Zayn mumbles

"You do know he's there for these kind of things" Louis points out

"I only told Liam that Niall was a character I was working on, he wouldn't believe me" Zayn answers quite dejectedly

"Zayn you have to tell him you can't seriously make me believe that Niall is in your house, right now as I am speaking to you" Louis says”


Zayn, Louis and Harry stand before Zayn's house the evening breeze moving in the darkness blowing soft gushes on the trio as Zayn says "Umm before I forget he doesn't know I wrote him so don't mention anything about it" both nod in acknowledgment as Zayn puts his key in and enters the  house. 

The Boy in the Typewriter (Ziall) (Ruby Sparks AU)Where stories live. Discover now