I Just Can't Believe You're Here (Part 2)

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Zayn was currently driving to a nearby café, trying so hard to ignore the bouncing Irishman beside him. Though Zayn wanted so badly to be with Niall, how badly he wanted to kiss him and cuddle with him and wake up to his godly face, Zayn knew he would could and would be just in his imagination. He was his creation a perfect creation he so wanted to accept to be here in front of him looking outside the window and giving Zayn glances and smiles. But it couldn’t be true, this wasn’t fiction, this wasn’t a book, it was reality and even though Zayn wanted Niall so badly he knew he couldn’t have him. Then Niall did something that just made Zayn question everything factual in the world. Niall turned on the radio and switched it into Zayn’s favourite radio station, Zayn just stared at the radio then back at Niall, was he imagining all this, did Niall just really touch the radio and put into the radio station. Then Niall spoke

“Why are you so shocked, I know you love this radio station, you listen to it all the time, and this is one of your favourite ones right?” Niall smiled trying to put a smile on Zayn’s face

And Niall was right, because currently playing one of Zayn’s favourite songs, “Baby I’m A Fool” by Melody Gardot and Zayn was just gave Niall a small smile and put his attention back to the road, putting the magical moment of internal delusion to the back of his mind and he tried to enjoy the music but listening to the lyrics he just bathed in the irony of his situation.

Look me in the eye and tell me

Love is never based upon insanity

Even when my heart is beating

Hurry up the moment's fleeting

Kiss me now, don't ask me how

'Cause, baby, I'm a fool

Who thinks it's cool to fall

Baby, I'm a fool

Who thinks it's cool to fall

And I would never tell if you became a fool

And fell in love

He has fallen in love with Niall, and Niall was in love with him, if only it was that easy.

Zayn parked near the café and disembarked from his car, he started walking towards the café Niall following beside him, then Niall started talking

“Hey Zayn, they’re showing a Zombie marathon in the cemetery tomorrow you want to go? We can take shots whenever someone gets bitten.”

Zayn just ignored Niall, not missing the way just slumped beside Zayn, his feet dragging through the pavement, head facing the ground shoulders slouched.

“Hey Niall, I just have to meet with a friend can you like wait for a bit?” Zayn asked

“Huh!? What do you expect me to do hear”

“Umm I don’t know appreciate the shops.” And with that Zayn left a frowning Niall alone on the sidewalk


Zayn sat down across the brunette he recognized as the one from his signing, he was fit Zayn could say that but he was no Niall.

Zayn greeted the boy and they ordered their food.

After a short silence Josh started talking

“I can’t believe you’re here, I mean when I gave you my number I thought you like lost it or something”

Zayn trying to be polite tried to appease Josh’s curiosity

“Well I started writing after you gave me your number so I haven’t really been going out”

The Boy in the Typewriter (Ziall) (Ruby Sparks AU)Where stories live. Discover now