The Realm of Uncertainty

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I apologize for taking so long to update, I have just been so busy with school and stuff. I hope this was worth the wait :D

The sun was dancing on Zayn's auburn skin the heat permeating the thick glass of the car, the heat caressing hid face allowing trickles of sweat to trickle down his chiselled features. To his right Niall was   playing with his phone his position reminding Zayn of an enigmatic three year old. The tan boy tried to distract Niall while waiting in the afternoon traffic swatting his hand over the phone. Niall let out a childish whine while trying to avoid Zayn's assault. Then in the middle of their immature war of the phone, it suddenly starts ringing, Niall accidentally answers it and out comes the blaring sound of Zayn's mom, Jay.

"Hello! Hello Zayn?" voices the phone

"Hi mom" Zayn sullenly replies

"Just came to check if you're coming this weekend?" Tricia says

"I told you we can't go this weekend, we're busy" Zayn indignantly replies

Niall looks at Zayn with a questioning look, he mouths a "We're busy?"

Zayn looks at Niall and gives a curt nod, the blond gives his boyfriend a weird expression then looks at the road once more. 

"What? But Louis said that you haven't been writing" the phone goes on

"Louis doesn't know what I'm doing ok" Zayn expresses

"Well when can we meet him? You've been going out with him for months, and you haven't introduced him to us, it’s like he doesn't exist." Tricia voices 

"Soon" Zayn states plainly

"Well why don't you bring him over this weekend, Louis and Harry is coming."

Niall looks at Zayn pleading him to accept the offer

"We have plans ok, I'll call you later ok I'm driving." he then shuts the phone off 

Niall was giving Zayn a defeated look, his eyes showing the embarrassment and surrender, he did not want to bother Zayn with this problem, but he felt so insignificant, was he not enough? Was Zayn embarrassed of him? These question plagued Niall's mind while succumbed into a confused silence.


The silence was unnerving for Zayn as he motioned himself to his bedroom, Niall hadn't been talking to him the entire day after his talk with his mother, it wasn't that he was embarrassed of Niall, on the contrary he was too proud of Niall, he was so selfish didn't want to share Niall with anybody else, he loved this boy sitting so silently on his bed staring into the unknown.

It was he had a very apparent disdain from his mother's new lifestyle, she changed so much after his father's death, she found a new beau a Mexican by the name of Paul, he was caramel skinned and ripped, he was a wood worker, he lived a veracious life, filled with romance, he changed how his mother lived, the once conservative housewife was now a proprietor of sexual portraits and 'medicinal' herbs and now lives in a beach house in West Wittering.

To state it plainly Zayn did not agree with the new adventurous lifestyle his mother lead, and he didn't want to be sucked into it. Because Zayn was his father's son, he was organized and neat; he was a stubborn man who tried his best to control the chaos that is life. He did not concede to anyone though he was timid, he always wanted his life to be logical and unquestionable, the only exception to this being Niall, the one who brought entropic discourse into Zayn's life, the one who made life unmistakably bright and spontaneous. As it is written in fiction Niall was Zayn's foil, he was the one who by contradiction highlighted the qualities the main presented, yet Niall fit perfectly, the contradiction he represented created a harmonious union of recklessness and control, of order and chaos, and of anarchy and peace. 

The Boy in the Typewriter (Ziall) (Ruby Sparks AU)Where stories live. Discover now