I Just Can't Believe You're Here (Part 1)

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Zayn felt dazed his eyesight was blurred his head was pounding and his neck was stiff. Then it dawned on Zayn what had happened, the unexplainable event that he had just witnessed Niall standing in his kitchen only wearing Zayn’s button- down shirt and a pair of boxers. That was the point when he fainted, then it registered in Zayn’s mind maybe he was just dreaming, he was just tired and it just so happened that he had a moment of delusion imagining Niall in his house. That is until Zayn hears a squeal “Babe! You’re finally awake; I was worried sick about you, what happened?”

Zayn peered at the direction of the voice, that oh so sexy Irish voice and founds its owner in no less than a pair of boxers and an apron. And Zayn just gawked at the sight taking in his features and analysing the circumstance that he was in, he was going crazy, he was going to be put in a mental institute he was a wreck a mental wreck. And he was just so lost because he didn’t want to see Niall, he didn’t want to be a cracker. But he was; and it was a point of no return

“My God, I’m going insane, oh my god, shit shit shit!” Zayn rambled placing in his face in the palms of his hands

“Darling? What’s happening are you ok” Niall’s asked his voice laced with concern then he reached out to touch Zayn, to give him a reassuring hand and he rubbed Zayn’s arm. Zayn jerked violently, he felt Niall, he felt the soft hand caressing his skin and now he was sure to be driven straight to a mental institute because he was not only seeing and talking to Niall but he could also feel Niall, and that was a new world of crazy.

Zany knew he had to keep calm and he had to call Louis, “Niall uhh, I’ll just be in my office, I just remembered I had something to do, ok”

Niall gave Zayn a questioning look and said “Well I’ll just be downstairs making some breakfast” and with that Niall left Zayn to himself.

Zayn frantically reached for his phone and dialled Louis number

“Louis! Louis!” Zayn whispered

“Yes Zayn, can you make it quick I have rehearsals in 5”

“Well you know how mom said that I had an overactive imagination? Well I’m kind of seeing Niall” Zayn said quite frantically

“What? Are you saying that Niall’s in your house” Louis retorted

“Yes and it’s freaking me out because I can see him and hear him and touch him, he’s making breakfast as we speak” Zayn yells

“That can’t be Zayn, because Niall’s not real, he’s a figment of your imagination!” Louis say panicking for his brother’s sanity.

“I know he’s not real but he’s here and I don’t know what the fuck I’m gonna do Louis”

“Ok, Zayn I have to go but do me a favour go out, hang with a friend anyone who can’t see your imaginary boyfriend ok, and if it doesn’t get better by tonight we can talk about it ok” Louis say calmly

At this Zayn seem to get his normal breathing pattern back and his mind starting to think more composedly he moved to his contact books searching for someone anyone to see, to get away from Niall. Then he remembered in one of his book signing this crazed fan who kept on following him throughout that day gave him his phone number and told Zayn to call him any time he was available. Zayn made a bee line for the phone having no room for any of his preferences. He hastily dialled the number and asked if he could meet him in a nearby café in 15 minutes the boy agreed with too much excitement for Zayn’s liking but he did not have choice at this point. So he put on a white tee and a black skinnies and a pair of chucks. He moved silently downstairs evading any type of object which would make too much noise, he didn’t see Niall in the dining room, there was a plate of bacon and eggs fashioned to make a smiley face on the table steam still seeping out of the plate. Zayn cautiously got his keys out of the key bowl and tip toed to the door only to be halted by a fully dressed Niall chewing on a piece of bacon.

“Where are you going” Niall asked curiously

Zayn glanced at Niall and was just frustrated at what he saw because he was just so perfect, Niall was wearing a red polo which hugged his tiny frame oh o beautifully, he was wearing a pair of beige chinos which hugged his ass in all the right places to finish it all of he was wearing a simple pair of supras.

“Well, I’m going to the store to get some stuff” Zayn said quite softly

“Oh can I come?” Niall asks innocently his bacon smeared lips forming a smile

“Ummm no its ok” Niall kind looked disappointed but persisted

“Why not?” he questioned

“It umm, no” Zayn repeats

“Please” Niall pleads his blue eyes shining with anticipation and Zayn had to resist those eyes, he had to resist those beautiful eyes and that pout, he was on the verge of saying a no once again but all coherent thoughts were destroyed with what Niall did next

He bit his lip, and he looked at Zayn with the most pleading eyes his expression downcast and his voice just desperate with a final “Please?”

Well this is part 1 of chapter 3, I was supposed to post the entire chapter but I found out I have to do some stuff, and I just wanted to share this one. Sorry for the cliffhanger but I’m going to post the second part tonight :D so enjoy

The Boy in the Typewriter (Ziall) (Ruby Sparks AU)Where stories live. Discover now