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This is dedicated to PrincessNiam, thank you for voting for me :D

The feeling of Niall pressed up to his chest warmed his heart the steady breathing of the blond so hypnotizing. Though guilt plagued his mind the presence of the blonde was well worth it, though he knew he was treading treacherous water he could not bring himself to feel remorse, as he held the slumbering blond. He needed to feel him constantly beside him; he needed to feel the joy and happiness with him all the time, even if it meant deceiving the blond. Zayn wanted to hold on to Niall forever so as he closed his eyes to invite sleep he held him closer feeling the constant ebb of his breathing against his the constant reminder that Niall was real.

The next morning Zayn woke up to the blonde still attached to him arms and limbs still tangled with his. He had to pee so he pried himself of Niall and made his way to the bathroom, after relieving himself, he heard an ungodly wail from the other room, and he hastily washed his hands and bolted to the bedroom, to find Niall there curled into a ball weeping his heart out. Zayn cautiously approached the wailing blond, touching him on the back and irking him from his trance. Niall flinched and stopped crying he looked at Zayn and made a grab for him, causing Zayn to fall on the bed with Niall latching onto him with his legs and burying his head in the tan boy’s chest.

“Hey, hey, what’s the matter?” Zayn asked rubbing Niall’s back

“You left me alone” Niall sobbed into his chest.

“I’m just here ok, I’m just here” Zayn assured Niall, the blonde nodding solemnly on his chest.

Zayn was confused at the boy in front of him, the desperation was quite extreme, he was quite baffled at the new clinginess his boyfriend was now showing, Niall just wanting to hold on to Zayn the entire time. But things became more extreme.

When they ate breakfast Niall positioned himself as close to Zayn as possible, and leaning on the older boy. Both boys were sharing a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Zayn had his spoon in one hand and the morning paper on the other hand. After scooping a spoonful and leaving his spoon in the bowl he felt an arm latch onto his and interlinked with his fingers. Zayn peered to his left to find Niall staring longingly at him while holding his hand tightly, Zayn couldn’t take his hand away from Niall due to the Irishman’s intense grasp on him, so Zayn chose to use his other arm to scoop himself cereal while his boyfriend stared at him with watery eyes. Pure desperation and yearning evident in the intent gaze. Zayn smiled at him and looked at his paper reading some news about the rising stocks, and then he heard soft sobbing from his right. He peered over and found Niall quietly weeping then muttering

“I miss you already” before latching himself completely on Zayn his limbs interlocking with Zayn’s as the sobs came rolling in, Zayn could just stare at his boyfriend and soothe him while holding him close and peppering him with soft kisses and whispering

“I’m here baby, I’m here please don’t cry, I love you darling please don’t cry”

That afternoon they were sprawled on the couch watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s, it was the scene when Audrey Hepburn was singing Moon River, when the phone rang. Zayn made a move to get up from the couch but was barred by the indignant pleas of his Irish boyfriend.

“Zaynie where are you going?” Niall whines

“Just going to answer the phone babe” Zayn replies heaving himself of the couch, Niall followed suit standing up and clutching onto Zayn’s arm.

“Can I come?” He asks pleadingly, Zayn merely nodded as he made his way to the phone, Niall clutching possessively to him. Zayn just sighed and answered the phone.

The Boy in the Typewriter (Ziall) (Ruby Sparks AU)Where stories live. Discover now