Flint and Smoke

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Haven't fixed the entire thing, so just word of warning for errors

Zayn had been sitting in his office the entire afternoon, afraid of what had become of Niall. Zayn had not heard a word from the Irishman and was scared of how the blonde would react when he saw Zayn. So he sat there waiting, hearing the silence thrash in the night, the corrupted air seeping Zayn’s thoughts, the darkened night letting the nightmares ensue within his mind, the slithering fear prying his thoughts open and freezing him in fear, loss and gloom. Zayn not noticing the sleep invading his senses fell into a horrific slumber, filled with blond hair being swallowed into a void and the a familiar laughter being engulfed in a dread silence. The silence and the feat encapsulating Zayn in a prison of senseless darkness, and filling him with the relentless dread of solitude, the shadows of the past transcending the passage into a void of oblivion. The silence caressed his ears as the unmarred blankness invaded his senses, the untamable fear rising and curling in his stomach, then everything starts caving in, suffocating him enveloping him with an invisible force so relentless and rabid, he feels the darkness curl into, until he could see nothing else then, light. The unbearable brightness now invaded his once numbed senses as he surveyed his surroundings, nothing but light. He blinks looking around and finds a solitary body standing in the distance, a boy, he had familiar blond hair and piercing azure eyes, but those beautiful eyes were now blank and impassive and his expression unfathomable, his  bright smile wasn’t there, his lips unmoving and petrified. The image haunted Zayn he started moving towards Niall desperately calling out for the boy, reaching out desperately. Then Niall caught fire, the blonds features brightened by the white hot crimson illuminating him, his features started to turn black as pages fell of Niall, typewritten pages with words devouring his entirety, Niall had now become a human torch made entirely out of pieces of paper, then ash. Niall was nothing but a cloud of ash and dulling embers of an inferno. Niall was nothing but the remnants of heat to intense and powerful that it engulfed his entirety, everything had become too much for Niall.

Zayn was shook awake by the azure’s so bright and full of life; Niall was standing in front of Zayn’s slumped figure his eyes surveying the writhing boy before him.

“Zayn, Zayn!” he screamed while shaking the convulsing boy.

Zayn suddenly stopped moving and his breath relaxed as he sat up and let in a breath, his breathing was shallow and he looked shell shocked, Niall put a hand on his back the felt Zayn relax. The tan boy turned around and held Niall, the blonde too shocked hugged back as Zayn wept in his arms, not speaking, just weeping the tears damping his shirt as Zayn continued to weep copiously on Niall and the blond just held him there throughout the night, letting the sound of tears swallow him.


The next day Zayn woke up alone the soft satin sheets of his bed failing to warm up his tired body, the memories of last night still fresh in his mind. Zayn saw glimpses of his dream last night, the images of Niall burning, the pages just wilting and dying into a pile of black ash. It was worse than death, because Niall did not come to him as a normal person, the moment Niall disappeared every shred of his existence would be torn out of reality with him, every memory and image of Niall would burn away with him. Zayn felt his heart beat faster again, the anxiety rising within him, the thoughts of Niall never exiting plaguing his thoughts. Zayn was scared that Niall would leave him, now he was terrified of Niall slowly disappearing from this life. The growing dread within him was now ever constant and it pulsated through him, the questions compiling in his mind, Would Niall slowly disaster? What will happen to Niall if he was set free? Will Niall be torn, will he die? All the questions just haunting his every moment, then the sound of footsteps broke Zayn from his trance, to find Niall standing there a tray in hand, his face glowing a smile etched on his face as he saw Zayn was awake.

The Boy in the Typewriter (Ziall) (Ruby Sparks AU)Where stories live. Discover now