new students, same idiots

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"The way you are seated is highly disrespectful to our esteemed upperclassmen! I must ask you to desist at once!" Iida's voice rings out into the hallway, startling Midoriya.

Must be Kacchan again, he thinks to himself.

He walks into the classroom, and stops short when he sees a stranger sitting in the back row, crouching with his feet on the chair. The stranger ignores Iida's vigorous hand-chopping, staring into the distance with a finger on his lips.

Instinctively, Midoriya activates his quirk, green lightning circling his body.

"Iida-kun! Has a villain broken in?"

"No need to trouble yourself, Izuku Midoriya," the stranger says. "Although, your quirk is impressive to see in person, even just at 8%."

"How did you—" Midoriya feels his jaw drop.

"Intelligence-enhancement quirk."

"That still doesn't explain why you're here."

"I really must ask you to sit properly in your chair!" Iida interrupts.

"What's Iida yelling about today?" Kaminari says as he and the rest of the class walk in. "Woah, who's that?"

"I assumed Class 1-A would be more intelligent than this," the man says, looking disinterested.

"Hey!" Kaminari squawks.

"Oh!" Yaoyorozu says, walking in behind Kaminari. "Iida and I were supposed to inform you that we were receiving visitors... although I didn't expect them so early in the day... what will our guests think of us?"

"Visitors? Like, more than one?" Ashido asks.

"Yes," the man says while unwrapping a chocolate bar. He pinches the bar with two slender fingers, holding it an awkward distance from his mouth. "Unfortunately, there are two others with me."

"Already causing trouble, huh, L?" A second stranger says, walking in. "Of course, it's just as I predicted."

"Speak of the devil," the first stranger— L— sighs. "First of all, Light, you did not foresee this happening. Second, you're late."

"I'm perfectly on time, thank you," Light replies. "Misa is the one running late."

"Who are you?" Kaminari asks, looking slightly starstruck.

"Light Yagami, although you can feel free to call me Light. My quirk is short-term clairvoyance."

"Wow!" Midoriya says, pulling out his notebook. Now that the fear of a villain attack is gone, he has time to sneak in a few moments for analysis.

"Tch. A new extra with a shitty quirk," Bakugou scoffs.

"Come on, man," Kirishima says, placing an arm around Bakugou's shoulders. "Don't be rude to our guests."

"Ignore Bakugou, he's like that with everyone," Yaoyorozu says, walking up to Light. "Your quirk sounds amazing, can we see a demonstration?"

"Of course! By the way, I knew you would ask that."

An even louder sigh comes from the back of the classroom.

"Must we really do this, Light?" L says.

Light ignores him, giving Yaoyorozu a charming grin.

"You," Light says, pointing at Kaminari. "Think of a number."

"Okay," Kaminari says, flustered. "I have one."

"Say it out loud on three," Light smirks. "One, two..."

A second before Kaminari opens his mouth, Light blurts out "Seven."

"Seven! Whoa, you got it!" Kaminari says, awestruck.

Excited murmurs ripple through the class.

"What a versatile quirk!" Midoriya mumbles to himself. "The practical applications are great for combat, as well as deescalating hostage scenarios..."

"Objectively, that was a poor choice of a demonstration for a clairvoyance quirk," L says. "Everyone knows that seven is statistically the most likely number to be chosen."

"Light! L!" a female voice calls. "Sorry I'm late. So many people wanted to take selfies with me! It's really hard to be famous."

"Oh. My. God." Ashido says. "You're Misa-Misa!"

"Are you a fan too? I can, like, sign something for you."

"Sign one of my balls, Misa-Misa," Mineta says, drooling.

Before Misa can reply, Sero tapes his mouth shut and attaches him to the ceiling. Light fixes the pervert with a disgusted look.

Someone clears their throat at the front of the room, and all of Class 1-A falls silent.

"Aizawa-sensei! I sincerely apologize for our rowdy behavior!" Iida says, arm chopping hard enough to slice through several planks of wood.

"Whatever, problem children. As you may have noticed, three new students are joining us today. They will remain with us for the semester as part of an exchange program U.A. is piloting. They will be living in the dorms with you all, so I expect you to be on your best behavior. Am I clear?"

"Yes, sir!"


thanks so much for reading!! this fic is crossposted to ao3 under the same title, but the chapters are broken up a bit differently.

disclaimer this was written at like 2 am most nights. it is completely finished and we'll be updating every 2-3 days. this is the definition of crack treated seriously, though it definitely veers into crack at times. you don't need to know a lot about death note, basically just L, Light, and Misa, but you need to know a lot about mha.

if you want more mha or death note content, we have a podcast where we read funny fanfiction and we've done episodes for both shows. you can listen to it here:

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