all might x reader (220k)

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Midoriya is shaken awake just past midnight, his dream about hanging out with All Might interrupted.

"Kacchan, go away, I'll read the next chapter tomorrow," Midoriya mumbles, thinking about Bakugou's All Might x reader fanfiction. "You still need to work on the reader's first meeting with All Might, anyways."

"Midoriya, get up, something has happened," Iida says.

"Iida, what—"

"Sensei is waiting for us downstairs," Iida cuts him off. "I need to go wake the others."

Did the murderer strike again? Midoriya worries.

Midoriya stumbles out of bed, anticipation coiling in the pit of his stomach. He enters the common room to see everyone nervously gathered around Aizawa. They're all half-asleep, or at least in pajamas, but all have similar looks of dread on their faces.

"Is everyone here?" Aizawa asks.

"Yes," Iida says, arriving with Todoroki and L.

"All the girls are accounted for as well," Yaoyorozu adds.

"Alright, I have some news, but I think I should talk to Todoroki separately first," Aizawa says.

Wait, there's only one reason why Aizawa would need to talk to Todoroki alone. Oh god.

"Oh my god."

"He can't mean that—"

"There's no way!"

"Endeavor can't be—"

"Quiet, problem children," Aizawa says, looking as if he had aged ten years in the last week. "Todoroki, with me." 

"Sensei, I'm pretty sure we all know what happened," Todoroki says. "You don't need to console me."

"Wait, what's going on?" Ashido attempts to whisper to Kaminari. "I'm literally so lost right now."

"Last evening, there was another incident," Aizawa says. "The number one hero, Endeavor, was fatally wounded while patrolling campus a few hours ago."

"Todoroki, I'm so sorry," Ashido says.

"It's okay, Ashido. I'll get over it," Todoroki says.

"He must be in shock," Hagakure whispers.

"I don't know about that," Todoroki replies. "Actually, I think I might already be over it."

"The campus is now in complete lockdown and it won't be lifted until the murderer has been captured," Aizawa explains. "I have to leave to attend emergency meetings with the rest of the staff, but I will be back soon. While I am gone, you all have to stay downstairs together. No one is allowed to go anywhere, even up to your rooms. Iida, Yaoyorozu, I expect you to watch everyone in my absence."

"Yes, sensei!"

"Of course!"

Aizawa nods and then heads towards the door.

"Wait, before you go, I have one question," Todoroki says. "How did he die?"

"There was an explosion. They haven't found the device yet," Aizawa says. "It's just like the last two incidents."

Aizawa gives them all one last glance, then turns to leave, closing the door to the dorms behind him. A clicking sound rings through the hall as he locks the door, sealing the class inside.

"Oh no, we're locked in with the murderer," Kaminari yells, running as far away from Bakugou as possible.

"I'm going to kill you!" Bakugou says, then sees everyone's horrified faces. "Wait, no I'm not."

"Man, this is not looking good for you," Ojiro says. "Three people have died in explosions in the last week."

"God, what will it take for you idiots to believe I didn't do it?" Bakugou groans. "Do you really think Aizawa would leave me alone if he thought I was the killer?"

"Yes, Aizawa-sensei knows that Bakugou is innocent," Midoriya agrees.

"Deku, you're finally making some sense," Bakugou says.

"Where were you yesterday, then?" Jirou asks.

"I think we'd all feel better if you would just tell us your alibi, Bakugou," Tsuyu says. 

"Yeah, and it can't be that you were sleeping this time," Uraraka says. "Even you don't go to bed that early."

"I don't have to tell you losers shit!" Bakugou yells.

"Dude, I think you should just—" Kirishima tries.

"No! I know I didn't do it, and that should be enough for you too!"

"Everyone's dying in an explosion that doesn't look to be caused by any explosive devices," Hagakure says. "We don't want to believe it's you, but you're the only one we know who can do that."

Bakugou groans, throwing his hands into the air.

"You guys think I could actually fucking kill Endeavor?" Bakugou says, looking around the room to see if anyone will meet his eyes. "I might be the best here by far, but I can't take down the number one hero."

He looks down, as if the admission pains him.

"Everyone, please calm down," Yaoyorozu says. "I'm sure that if Aizawa-sensei thought there was anything to worry about, he would've spoken to Bakugou already. Right now, we just need to stay together and keep our heads— the real killer is still out there."

"Yaoyorozu is quite right!" Iida says. "Everyone, please move out of the entryway. We need to get the common room set up. I'm unsure how long we'll be asked to stay down here."

The class slowly makes their way to the common room. Cushions are pulled off of armchairs for makeshift beds. Someone turns the television to El Sexo de los Angeles in an attempt to make Todoroki feel better.

"Todoroki, L, I need to talk to you," Midoriya whispers.

"But I'm watching something," Todoroki says, motioning to the screen. "It's almost the scene where he comes in with the mojitos!"

"I'm sorry, but this is really important," Midoriya says, looking truly sorry.

"Fine, I'll finish it later," Todoroki sighs.

Midoriya drags the others into the corner of the room furthest from the television, which is as close to true privacy as they can get right now.

"Guys, it wasn't Kacchan!" Midoriya says.

"I believe you, Midoriya, but do you have any way to clear his name?" Todoroki asks.

"Yes, but I can't tell you right now," Midoriya sighs, looking pained. "Please, just trust me."

"I know the killer isn't Bakugou," L says. "Remember what I told you after Shiozaki died— the killer is Light, and I think it's been him the whole time."

"What do you mean?" Midoriya asks.

"He's been behind everything since the beginning, including Mineta. I refuse to believe it was an accident," L says.

"Do you think he killed the detective too?" Todoroki asks.

"I think anything's possible," L says. "We don't know Light's quirk, so there's no telling what he's capable of."

"Okay, so if his quirk isn't short-term clairvoyance, we need to find out exactly what it is," Midoriya says. "How do we do that?"

All three students take a moment to think. L unwraps a hard candy and pops it in his mouth.

"Aoyama saw the detective die, maybe he noticed something," Todoroki says.

"Good thinking," L says. "I think it's time we have a chat with him."

just as i predicted (my hero academia x death note)Where stories live. Discover now