bestie ryuk 👹🖤

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All the way on the fourth floor, they still could hear the commotion downstairs.

"This is Light's room," Midoriya says, ushering them towards the final room in the hallway. "Right next to Kacchan's."

"We need to do this as fast as possible, because once they realize we're gone Light is going to know exactly where we are," L says.

Midoriya kicks the door open in a flash of green lightning.

"What?" He says, looking at the other two. "It's an emergency!"

"You better hope Light is actually guilty," Todoroki says. "Or else Aizawa-sensei is going to—"

"Let's just go already," L interrupts, pushing past them. "Watch out, if the notebook is as important as we think it is, then Light is probably protecting it in some way."

"Are you saying he made some sort of trap?" Midoriya says.

"Yes, if you see something strange, don't touch it. Let me look at it first," L takes a bite out of a chocolate bar. "Now if I were Light Yagami, where would I keep it?"

They split up and start examining the room. Todoroki looks through Light's bookshelves, while Midoriya checks his desk and L starts in his closet.

"Huh," Midoriya says, looking at Light's desk drawer.

"What is it?" L rushes over.

"This drawer seems too shallow. I have the same desk in my room, and I can fit about 3 or 4 of my notebooks in the same drawer. Light's desk seems like it would only fit 2, maybe 3 if it was really jammed in there."

"If there's a secret compartment, Midoriya can just tear it open with his quirk. Or I can force it open with my ice," Todoroki offers.

"No, we can't do that," L says. "Knowing Light, something will happen if we don't open this the right way."

L crouches down next to the drawer. He pulls it open, looking at it from the inside quizzically. He then pushes it open and closed a few times, changing speeds to see if there is any difference. He feels around the outside of the drawer, his hand stopping on a point.

"There," he says, looking underneath it. "There's a small hole. That must be the key to getting into the compartment."

"So we need something to fit into it," Midoriya says, thinking.

"Get me a pen," L says, motioning to Todoroki.

Todoroki passes him a pen from Light's desk. L carefully takes it apart, holding up the ink cartridge. He then pushes it through the hole, which lifts the fake bottom of the drawer. A black notebook is revealed, with the title Death Note emblazoned on the front.

"Death Note?" Midoriya whispers.

"What's in it?" Todoroki asks.

L flips to the most recently used page, looking at the writing.

"Minoru Mineta. Cause of death, training accident. Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi," L reads aloud.

"The names of the dead— but why?" Todoroki wonders.

"Ibara Shiozaki. Time of death, 10:55 p.m. Cause of death, explosion. Principal Nezu. Time of death, 11:30 p.m. Cause of death, explosion."

"You don't mean—" Midoriya cries.

"Enji Todoroki. Time of death, 6:45 p.m. Cause of death, explosion."

"So you found it?" A deep voice says.

L jumps in fear, dropping the notebook.

"What is that?" L trembles, pointing to the dark corner of Light's room.

"L... there's nothing there," Midoriya says.

"I'm Ryuk, do you happen to have any apples?"

"No, I'm afraid not, Ryuk," L falters.

"Are you feeling alright, L?" Midoriya worries. "You're kind of talking to the wall right now..."

"We probably shouldn't leave this lying around," Todoroki says, going to pick up the notebook.

The second his fingers make contact with the cover, he lets out a small scream and drops it again.

"Hello there," Ryuk cackles.

"What is going on?" Midoriya wonders, looking at the book in fear. "Is this some kind of hallucination quirk?"

"Interesting," L's finger rests on his lip. "It seems that you have to touch the notebook to see him."

"See who?" Midoriya says. "Wait... Aoyama said that he saw Light talking to nothing..."

"Midoriya, touch the notebook," L says.

"Death Note," Ryuk interjects.

Midoriya obeys, reaching down for the notebook at Todoroki's feet. Once his fingers touch the cover, he finally sees the Shinigami towering over Light's bed.

"Woah," Midoriya says in awe. "What are you?"

"I'm Ryuk, I've already explained this."

"You're a part of Light's quirk, I assume," L says.

"Oh, like Dark Shadow is for Tokoyami!" Midoriya mumbles, scribbling rapidly in his own notebook.

"I can create a Death Note for Light," Ryuk explains. "And his quirk allows him to use the Death Note."

"Okay, but what is the Death Note?" Todoroki asks.

"Anyone whose name Light writes in the Death Note will die in 40 seconds by a heart attack," Ryuk says.

"I assume that Light also has the ability to determine the manner and time of death as well, given the entries we read," L muses.

Ryuk nods, red eyes glowing in the dark of the room.

"Why are you telling us all of this?" Midoriya asks. "You're revealing Light's secret."

"I don't listen to Light," Ryuk says. "I may be part of his quirk, but that doesn't mean I can't think for myself. I just do whatever is the most entertaining."

"But that doesn't mean you'll help us, right?" Midoriya asks.

"No way," Ryuk laughs.

"So without this notebook, Light can't do anything?" L clarifies.

"Light needs to write a name in a Death Note to kill someone," Ryuk says, turning to face Midoriya. "And you're holding the one and only."

"I would've thought you would be gloating by now," Todoroki says, staring at L.

"Oh, I'm going to," L replies. "I just plan to be standing in front of Light when I do it."

just as i predicted (my hero academia x death note)Where stories live. Discover now