cheese ✨

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"It happened so suddenly—one minute he was asking me about the unfortunate death of Mineta and the next he was clutching his chest," Aoyama says.

Midoriya nods sympathetically, scribbling Aoyama's testimony down in his notebook. Todoroki and L sit beside him in a setup akin to an interrogation room, intent on discovering the truth behind the detective's death.

"Before I knew what was going on, he was lying on the ground, dead," Aoyama continues.

"And you're positive that no one else was in the room with you?" L asks, grabbing a cookie off of the kitchen counter.

"Oui! There were extra officers posted outside the door, so no one else could've snuck in."

"Well, I guess that was a dead end," Todoroki says. "Now we have no leads on Light's quirk."

"Wait, this is about Light?" Aoyama asks, confused.

"Yes," L says. "We're currently investigating his potential involvement in the murders on campus."

"Well, I did see something strange," Aoyama admits.

"What did you see?" Midoriya asks.

"While I was leaving cheese on his balcony yesterday, I noticed something quite odd," Aoyama says.

"Go on," L says.

"Cheese?" Todoroki interrupts.

"Yes, I was feeling very concerned for everyone's mental state, so I thought a small gift would help cheer everyone up, since it worked so well for Midoriya."

"Haha, y-yes it did," Midoriya gulps.

"Oh. That explains why I found cheese on my balcony," Todoroki says.

"Yes, it was quite good, thank you," L says. "But now we must focus. Tell us what you saw."

"I heard Light and Misa talking about Endeavor and Bakugou," Aoyama explains. "I couldn't make out what they were saying, but that wasn't even the odd part. Light seemed to be talking to something that wasn't even there."

Todoroki and Midoriya share a look.

"Did you notice anything else?" L asks. "Anything that he was doing?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary, he was just writing in a notebook," Aoyama says.

"Alright, that settles it," L says. "We need to see that notebook. It could be the key to understanding everything."

"How are we going to get up to his room if we're in a lockdown?" Midoriya asks. "Iida and Yaomomo aren't going to let us leave."

"Light's not going to want to let us near his room if he really is hiding something," Todoroki muses.

"I could distract them with my sparkle," Aoyama offers.

"That's a horrible idea," L says.

"Aoyama, thank you for your help, but we don't want to put you into any danger," Midoriya says. "This is our mission."

"Bonne chance, my friends," Aoyama says. "I must return to the common room now."

The three students sit in silence for a moment. L shoves two more cookies in his mouth, chewing quickly.

"I have an idea," he says.

just as i predicted (my hero academia x death note)Where stories live. Discover now