death by explosion 💥🚨

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"Someone, turn on channel 118!" Ojiro yells, rushing into the common room just as alarms start blaring from the walls of the dorm.

"What's going on?" Uraraka asks.

"Just do it already!"

"Alright, I'm doing it," Kaminari says, his voice quivering.

Everyone abandons their breakfasts to gather around the couch as Kaminari changes the channel to a news station.

"We are just getting word of a disturbance at U.A. High School," the anchor says. "We are unsure of the nature of it yet, but the school has called for medical reinforcements beyond their usual staff."

"This is alarming, especially after the string of deaths that have occurred at the high school in the past few weeks," the other anchor says.

"Zut alors!" Aoyama exclaims. "Could it be that the murderer has struck again?"

"Whatever it is, I'm confident that our teachers have the situation fully under control," Iida says. "There's no way that Principal Nezu would let the murderer slip through his fingers."

"Hold on— I am now receiving word from Sergeant Grant on the ground that we have one confirmed casualty," the first anchor announces.

"I hope it's not any of us!" Kaminari says.

"We're all here, dumbass!" Jirou says, slapping his head.

The channel's logo flashes on screen, and the shot changes to a reporter on the school grounds.

"Wait, that looks like the outside of our dorms," Satou says.

"This is Kiyomi Takada, reporting live for Channel 118 from the grounds of U.A. High School! I'm here at the scene of the crime, where I am saddened to report that the deceased has been identified as none other than U.A.'s Principal Nezu."

"Not the principal!" Midoriya shouts, feeling the crushing burden of having failed to save another life.

"Takada-san, what appears to be the cause of death?" The second anchor asks.

"Police investigators are still on the scene, but the preliminary cause of death seems to be some kind of explosion," Takada replies.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Bakugou yells.

The entire class spins to stare at Bakugou, television forgotten.

"You guys can't actually believe that I did this shit!"

"I don't know, Bakugou," Tsuyu says. "This looks pretty bad for you, especially combined with what happened to Shiozaki."

"Guys, there's no way Blasty killed the principal!" Kirishima says. "He's one of the manliest heroes in this school!"

"Yeah, Kacchan would never—" Midoriya adds on.

"Shove it, shitty Deku! I don't need your fucking help."

"I don't think Bakugou could be the killer," Hagakure muses. "Well, wait, he does tell everyone to die all the time..."

"Light, you've been silent, which is unusual for you," L states.

"I knew you were going to say that," Light says, pushing Misa off the armrest of his chair. "Bakugou, there is an easy way to clear your name. If you didn't commit the murder, what's your alibi?"

"Fuck you, Shitty Quirk," Bakugou yells, jumping off the couch.

He makes to run across the room at Light, but is quickly stopped by a wave of ice from Todoroki.

"Bakugou, just tell us what your alibi is," Todoroki says.

"I don't need to because I didn't do it," Bakugou shouts.

"The principal's body was found this morning, which means he died last night," Jirou says. "Everyone was downstairs in the common room... except for you."


"Or were you?" Kaminari asks.

"Fucking yes, Dunce Face! Do you all think I go out at night and just kill people?"

"Well, no, but you seem to have personal grievances with all of the people who have died recently," Yaoyorozu explains, placating.

"Yeah, didn't he call Principal Nezu a creepy rat?" Sero asks.

"Ugh!" Bakugou groans, clearly reaching his limit. "So you think that anyone I insult just dies? All of you would've been done for a million times over!"

"That's not it, it's just—"

"No, that's exactly fucking it! According to you all, I can kill someone just by thinking about it!"

He pauses, looking up at the television. The station has cut to an interview with Endeavor. Text rolls along the bottom of the screen, proclaiming that Endeavor has decided to offer additional security to the U.A. campus for as long as it takes to catch the culprit.

"With your fucking shithead logic, I could pick anyone I wanted to die!"

"Wait, don't—" L says.

"Let's test this shitty theory, then." Bakugou says, staring at the TV screen. "I'll pick someone who is impossible to kill."

"Man, I don't know if this is the best plan," Kirishima says.

"Bakugou, you are about to make a grave mistake," L warns.

"No, let him finish," Todoroki says.

He's setting this up perfectly. I don't know if I could've orchestrated it better myself, Light thinks.

"Endeavor is a shitty hero, and he can die for all I care," Bakugou declares, hammering the final nail in his coffin. "There. I insulted him."

He looks around the room with a piercing glare, as if challenging each of his classmates to meet his gaze.

"Kacchan, you—"

"Tch," Bakugou scoffs.

Bakugou shoves his way through the crowd, making for the elevator. Light watches Bakugou's back, fighting to hold in his laughter. Everyone else disperses gradually, still reeling in shock.

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