Chapter 2 Training

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(Third pov)

At the pearl residence, Wu Mao has finally finished her treatment.

"Will it leave any scars on my daughter's body?" Her father asks the doctor.

"All scars will be completely healed in about a month, except for one on the neck. It can only be held with at least a 3 tiered burn remover pill." The doctor answered.

"What, are you a ​​quack, how can you not fix my burn marks. I can never tie up my hair again!" Wu Mao screams angrily at the doctor in rage. But she quiets down once she sees the cold glare of her father. "I understand you are dismissed." Her father says and he bows down before leaving. Now there are only Him and his twins left.

"Mao, what were you doing inside that things bedroom?"

He asks his daughter. "Of Course I wanted to teach her a lesson, getting me into trouble like that is unforgivable." She says with a hint of hatred.

"You will be grounded for the next weak." He tells her firmly and both of his children are surprised while Wu Mao feels like she is treated unfairly.

"What, how could you punish me when it was all that cripples fault!" She yells out in anger. "If you just left her alone you would not be in this predicament. Think about what shame it will bring upon us if this gets out. They will say that the third daughter of the Wu family was so stupid that she was burned by her own fire." He says coldly.

"But it is all her fau..." She says but gets interrupted.

"Are you telling me that that idiot is capable of defeating an early fifth-staged cultivator? That would bring us even more shame." He yells out at his daughter and leaves her stunned.

"Sigh, look from now on just ignore her existence. You are above her, you need to focus on your cultivation and gain my father's favor. That thing will only jinx you and I am sure that someone else will deal with her for you." He says comfortingly and both of his children nod in understanding. So what if they leave that eyesore alone, others feel the same way and do that job for us. That way we can focus on more important matters. Like climbing up the latter.

(Zeiyrin pov)

As I woke up the next morning I could feel the difference in my body after he unlocked the first part of the seal.

My body feels lighter and my body hurts less from the whip wounds. I look for a comb to comb my hair and when I start to comb it I notice that the tips of my hair have turned the same shade of dark purple my hair had in my previous body.

Maybe with the seal unlocked my previous self starts to fuse together with my new one?'

Well, there is no point in pondering over something I can't find the answer for, I wonder when they will bring me food?

And just in queue, a servant came barging in with food. He looks at me rudely before dropping the food right in front of me. Just like he was feeding an animal at the zoo. Then he leaves just as fast.

'Tch, how rude. Why do people treat this place like it is a public place? I need to find a way so that they can't enter so easily or else they will notice my training. That and I don't what then near me at all.' Then I pick up the food which is not much and even then the food I get is just one step away from being rotten. 'Lucky me.' Still, this will give me enough energy to start training. I pick up the food and eat it as fast as I can. Then I use my ruined hanfu to clean up the floor since I don't have anything else.

'Now let's start meditation and breathing. Training should always start simple and my body may no longer hurt but I will wait with physical exercise in case I have some internal wounds.' I sit in a lotus position on the floor and start my training. As I meditate I can feel lucky warm energy flowing inside of me and circling in my body. The warmth as a quilt and the same feeling as a river. I can tell that this is what they call qi which is the main building block of cultivation. I sit there for what feels like a fleeting moment but in actuality, it has been 4 days. Strangely at that time, no one came in to give me food or bother me with something trivial. I suspect that either someone made the order to not bring me food or Wu Su never got food regularly. But this is a good welcome sense no one interrupted my training. I can always steal some food when my body gets a little stronger. After all, I was a master thief in my previous life. As an orphan living on the streets that were the only way to survive. And later I got captured by an evil organization that wanted to put my skill to good use. And those 12 years later I became the most feared phantom thief that has ever existed on earth. No one would ever suspect that I died in an earthquake while I was on a mission.

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