Jimmy x Kidnapped Reader

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Art by pekoeboo.tumblr.com
Original idea by anonymousbasketcase

Fear, that was the one emotion you felt. You were in the metal claws of two yokian henchmen, being guided to the throne room where you came face to face with the king of the yokeyans, king goobot.
        " Your highness, we have brought the human as requested." One of the guards announced. You continue to squirm in their grasp only for the metal to ruffle your skin, redness beginning to show. "Ah, well well, if it isn't the little mate of Jimmy Neutron." Goobot sneered as he hovered closer to you, grabbing your face with his robotic fingers. You tried to pull away, but to no avail. " Aw, we have are-selves a feisty one, she could make a fine queen." He said with a wicked smile.
"Qqq queen?!!?" You exclaimed. The mere though made your stomach turn in disgust.
   "Well unless you'd rather be poultra's dinner, she's been ever so hungry since your lover and his friends left with her entire buffet." He said. How could you forget, jimmy, you and all the other kids of retroville travel to yokis to rescue the parents after being kidnapped. However, you never imagined goobot would return. After all, the last time you saw him he was sunny side up after Jimmy and Godard defeated him. For awhile, you though everything would go back to normal, but your current situation proved otherwise.
    "You won't get away with this, jimmy will come and kick your butt just like last time" you said try hard to sound brave despite your fear rising inside of you. "Oh trust me, my dear. I'm counting it. Guards, take her to dungeon till I decide what to do with her." The two yokians began to drag you to the dungeon. You remember your phone was still in you pocket. You could call jimmy, and hopefully he would come and rescue you.
     You where roughly pushed into your cell almost falling to the stone floor. You hear the cell door slam shut behind you. 'Now is my chance' you thought. You quietly snuck to the back of the cell, being careful not to alert the guards hovering outside. You pulled out your phone and dialed Jimmy's number. You began to naw on you bottom lip as you heard ringing on the other end.
      "Holy hizenburg, Y/n, are you ok? I'm on my way." Jimmy voice came from the end of the call. You signed in relief, his voice was like music to hear right now, even if you could hear the clear panic in his voice. "Im fine Jimmy. Im currently sitting in a dungeon. Im not sure what going to happen. All I know is poultra is still alive and goobot doesn't have a queen. Either way, I'm doomed." You said, tears threatening at the corner of your eyes. You didn't want to admit it, but you were terrified. However, you refused to show it in front of your egg captors. Jimmy paused for a moment before speaking again. "Y/n, listen to me, your are not going to be eaten by polulta or become goboots queen. I'm coming. I'd say we're about 1.5 billion light years away. I calculated we should be there by tomorrow. I won't let anything happen to you, y/n. I promise." He vows. This in turn gives you a little more hope. Jimmy is the most brilliant man on earth and if anyone could rescue you, it would be him. "Thank you Jimmy, please hurry." " I'll be there as soon as I can."
  You suddenly heard a guard hover towards the door of your cell. You hung up the phone and shoved back into your pocket. Once he was gone, you let out a sigh of relief and slid down to the cold floor of your cell. You folded your knees close to you for comfort. Jimmy's coming, you kept telling yourself. You were going to be rescued. Your eyes felt heavy, the events of the day left you exhausted mentally and emotionally. You laid down you on your side and tried to sleep, hoping for jimmy find you.

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