Kidnapped Reader part 2: The Rescue

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Art by mbmatt Devientart

Jimmys POV
I had been so excited for my date with y/n. We were going to retro land together. I waited on a bench near the entrance for her, twiddling my thumbs nervously and counting ever macro second. Where in Albert enstien pants was she?
I was about to call her when I saw a f/c bag out of the corner of my eye. I kneeled down to examine the bag further, in recognized the f/a pins on the bag and knew it belonged to y/n. Why was her bag on the ground, my eye caught the glimpse of a piece of paper on top of the bag. I didn't want to invade y/n privacy, but my curiosity got the better of me. I open the paper and gasp at what it was. It was a letter from goobot. It read:
Hello James,
If you found this letter you have discovered that your precious love is not here. But not to worry, she resides here safe and sound. At least, for the current moment. If you wish to see her again, you will come to yokis. Will be waiting, or at least what's left of her.
                        Sign king goobot
I gritted my teeth as I hold back grow emulating form my throat. My blood was boiling. 
Clutching the note in my hand, I activated my jet pack, and rushed back to lab to retrieve Goddard, gear up, and start my rocket.
I swear by Darwin's beard, if he hurts one hair on her head. No, I need to focus on rescuing her. I'm coming y/n.
Half way through the trip, I heard Godard's communication beckon start to go off. He jumps to the front of the ship and flips up his metal chest plate revealing who was trying to contact us. It was y/n.
  "Quick Godard, accept call." I said frantically. As the call was patched through, I could her frighten breaths. "Holy hizenburg, y/n are you ok? I'm on my way." I cursed myself, allowing my panic state to show. "Im fine Jimmy. Im currently sitting in a dungeon. Im not sure what going to happen. All I know is poultra is still alive and goobot doesn't have a queen. Either way, I'm doomed."
Her voice started to quiver, I could tell she was on the verge of tears. All I wanted to do was hold her and comfort her, but for now, the only thing I could use to comfort her was with the one method I had, my words. "Y/n, listen to me, your are not going to be eaten by polulta or become goboots queen. I'm coming. I'd say we're about 1.5 billion light years away. I calculated we should be there by tomorrow. I won't let anything happen to you, y/n. I promise." I vowed. "Thank you Jimmy, please hurry." She said fear still prevalent. "I'll be there as soon as I can." She was about to say something when the line went dead.
  "Y/n? Y/N!!!" I screamed but was only met with deafening silence. My heart sunk into my stomach. Hearing her terrified voice gave me a new found determination, I have to save her, I will save her. 
Pressing a few buttons on my dashboard a small button popped out of a small compartment. Godard looked at me in shock before wining fearfully. "I know we haven't tested this feature yet but we need to try." The button would active my hyper speed boaster. They have yet to be tested, but what better time than now. I pressed the button sending us at light speed.
Back to you
You layed on the cold floor when you awoke to the sound of chaos outside of your cell. You run towards the door as your heart leaped for joy. It was Jimmy and Godard, fighting the guards with the robot dog's defense systems and some of Jimmy's battle worthy inventions. He defeat almost 8 of them already, but with ever one guard defeated, five more took its place. You began to panic as you saw the two being out numbered. You tried to think of something before being struck with an idea.
"Jimmy, quick move away from Godard." Jimmy eyes widened. "Are you about to say what I think you are about to say?" He yelled over the commotion. You smirked knowing full well what was about to happen next. "Damn straight, Godard play dead!" you yelled before moving to the far part of the cell and covered your ears. Jimmy dodged the explosion with ease.
You heard a loud thud and turned to see the metal door of your cell laying broken on the ground. You wasted no time running out into the open. Your eyes met Jimmy's as you ran towards each other. He hug you tightly as you returned the gester, his face in the crock of your neck. He pulled away as he cupped your face in his hands, looking deep into your eyes. "I'm so glad your alright!" He said with a big goofy smile. You smiled back, "Thank you for saving me Jimmy."
You two shared a tender kiss before pulling away again. "How about we continue this reunion back on earth, before we loose the chance to escape." Jimmy said as Godard, who was now reformed, joined you. You nod as the genius took your hand and lead you to the rocket and departed the vial planet heading home, grateful to finally be safe at last.

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