Silent nightmare

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Artist: pekoeboo.tumblr
     Jimmy was in his lab, working on a new invention at the late hours of the night. His girlfriend, y/n, had fallen asleep in the house the two shared.
      " Almost done Goddard, just a few more adjustments, and we'll be ready for the test round." He said as he made a few adjustments to his newest creation. "Alright time to test this device." Jimmy said as he began to fire up the machine, unaware someone just enter the lab.   
      Jimmy place the invention on the ground and stood back a safe distance. He pressed a button to activate the device, but instead of firing on, the machine began to make strange noise not designed for it. Jimmy ducked down with Goddard as the machine malfunction and exploded.
      Jimmy came out of his hiding spot and look at the burn up remains of the invention. "Gas planet, I must have a slight miscalculation." Jimmy stated in frustration.
     Goddard noticed something odd laying on the ground, upon investigating, Goddard barked frantically to alert his master. Jimmy was pulled out of his thoughts as he turned his attention to his robotic canine. "What's wrong boy?" He walk over to see what his dog was barking at.
     Jimmy heart stoped at what he saw. His beloved girlfriend layed motionless on the floor. Her s/c skin burned in several area and blood matted her h/c hair and clothing, shards of metal now lodged into her torso.
      "Y/N!!!!!" Jimmy screamed as he rushed to her side. He quickly lay her on her back, her eyes closed. "No, no no, angel!! Open your eyes, please wake up!!!" He said trying to get her to respond. She remain still, no movement came from her chard body.
    "GODDARD, QUICK CALL AN AMBULANCE." The dog quickly rush to get help.
     Y/n eyes stared to open slightly, jimmy look down, a little relieved, she was alive but for how long. "Angel, honey can you hear me?!?" He asked frantically. The woman face twisted in pain. "Jimmy?" Was the only thing that escaped her pale lips.
     Jimmy eyes filled with tears, "yes, honey I'm right here, just stay with me ok? Your going be ok, just stay with me!" Jimmy quickly grab what he could to try and remove the metal pieces from her body and seal her wounds, but she was loosing a lot of blood.
    "Jim.." she tried to say but found it very difficult to say. Jimmy cupped her cheek, "shh don't speak, save your energy, just keep your eyes open ok?" Jimmy tried to keep himself steady for her, but on the inside he was screaming. This wasn't happening, this can't be happening. His angel was lying on the lab floor, fighting for her life, and it was all his fault.
      Jimmy couldn't think that now. She need him, he need to hold himself together so he could save her.
      He carefully place her on a near by table so he could get to work on keeping her stable enough till the ambulance would arrive. Blood pooled under her torso, her skin flaking and crisp. The smell of burnt flesh and hair littered the lab walls, anyone who would come near the lab would find themselves sick from the stench.
      The woman face twisted with every micro movement. She tried stay awake, her eyes filling with tears mixed with blood. She reached for the love of her life. She knew she wasn't going to make it. She knew her time was limited, she just wanted to spend it holding on to one person she loved most.
       "Jim" she said again, this time weaker that the first. Jimmy rushed over with medical supplies he could find. "Y/n, please, your going to be ok, just say awake." He said as he started putting pressure on her wound.
       She weakly placed her bloody hand on his cheek. Jimmy look at her, he was finding it harder to keep his composer. "Jimmy I.." she started before a coughing fit took over her whole body, blood escaping her lips. Jimmy eyes widened, "No no, angel, hold on. Help is on the way."
     Jimmy knew, he knew she wasn't going to make it. The science all pointed to that outcome, but for the first time in his life, Jimmy was hoping science would be wrong this time. He was going to fight for her, he loved her so much. The thought of loosing her, it only pushed him harder. There was no way in this universe or any that he would give up on her, he would play god if he had to. He was not loosing his angel, not today, not like this.
     "Jimmy I'm sorry" she said her eyes still mixed with blood and tears. "No no, I'm sorry, your going to be ok, just stay awake, stay with me, I can't loose you!!" Jimmy said, his own tears threading to spill.
      Godard return showing the ambulance was on its way. "Good boy, see love, help on its way just stay awake a little longer." Jimmy said in a shaking voice.
     She smiled weakly as she felt her eyes start to close. Jimmy panic, "no, no angel, don't close your eyes, just keep looking at me. Keep your eyes me, please!" He begged.
     She look him with love and sadness, she knew she wasn't going to make it. She just wanted her last moments being with her love. She used what strength she had to lean up and kiss Jimmy on the lips, blood still on her lips. Jimmy kissed back but caught her just before her arms gave out, laying her back down.
    "Y/n, don't you give up on me. Remember what we said about the future, getting married, seeing me win the Nobel prize, having a family. Please don't give up on that future. I need you in that future. Please!!" Y/n look at him, before she said, "I love you." Her eyes went shut, a final breath left her month.
     "Y/n? Y/N?!!" Jimmy felt his heart rip in two. This wasn't happening. "NO NO, Y/N. WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!!" He screamed. He started doing compression, mouth to mouth. He even had Godard us electric paddles to try and get a heart beat, Godard screen showed her heart beat, it got weaker and weaker until she final flatlined.
    Jimmy kept try to revive her, refusing to admit she was gone. Tears streamed down his face as he continued to scream for her to come back. After 10 minutes, jimmy stoped. She was gone. He lost his angel.
      His sobs echo through the lab walls. He gathered her broken body in his arms, now covered in her blood.
    But he didn't care, nothing mattered. He rocked back and forth cradling her body in his arms. "Please, come back to me, don't leave me." He continued to whisper between sobs, grabbing a hand full of her hair.
    He screamed out in agony, his own body numb.

     "Y/N!!!" Jimmy screamed as he jerked up from his computer.
     What? He look around to see he was in the lab still, but there was not burn up invention on the ground, no indication of an explosion.   
      Jimmy look down to see his lab coat completely spotless, his clothes clean as well. Jimmy held his head as a headache started to form. He look over to see Godard asleep in his bed. Jimmy tired to process everything as his sleepy eyes became clear.
    'Was it all a dream?' Jimmy thought. It had to be, but it felt so real. Jimmy never had a dream that vivid before. But everything was as it should be. But wait if it was a dream then...
     "y/n!" Jimmy rushed out of the lab, praying his dream wasn't true.
     He rush into the house. Before he ran up stairs, he noticed the tv was still on. He walk in to the room, a sigh of relief escaped his lips. There laying on the couch was y/n, fast asleep in one of his T-shirts.
      He kneeled down on the wood floor, coming eye level to her face. "Angel?" He whispered, his voice shaking slightly.
     Her eyes fluttered open as she sat up stretching. She look at jimmy with a sleepy smile.
     "Hi honey, sorry I must fell asleep on the couch again." She paused as her face turned to concern. "Darling, what's wrong, are you crying?" Jimmy was confused, he touched his cheek to feel something wet. Had he been crying and didn't realize it.
       But at that moment, he didn't care he pulled her into a tight hug, afraid if he let go she would disappear. He calm down feeling her being there, touching her skin, taking in her scent, everything to prove she was really there.
     Y/n became very concerned. Jimmy almost never cried, something really bad must have happened. She returned the hug as she rub his back. "Darling, what happened? Are you ok? Please say something." She said
      Jimmy pulled away slightly taking her face in his hands, looking deep into her eyes. He had never been more happy to see her than it that moment. "I'm ok, I'm just so happy your here, that your ok, that your alive." He said tears still in his eyes.
     Y/n look confused but then smiled, wiping his tears. " I'm here, I'm ok. It's ok." She said. Jimmy kissed her passionately taking in her familiar taste. He pulled away, leaving his lover a blushing mess. "Wow, that was incredibly, but what's going on?" She said as she started at him registering everything.
     She thought it over, his actions, his words, it all came to one conclusion. "Jimmy, you had a really bad nightmare didn't you?" She asked softly. Jimmy thought back to the nightmare as he gasped a little, shuttering at the image of her lifeless body. He didn't need to say a word, she already knew the answer.
    "Oh honey, it's ok. I'm here, I'm right here. Everything alright." She said pulling him close, tangling his messy brown hair between her fingers.   
       Jimmy continue to hold tightly onto his girlfriend. Ever second with her seem to calm him, this was reality. She was alive here with him. "I love you, I love you so much." He whispered out. She giggled slightly, "I love you too. Forever and always, my galaxy."
     For a few moments they just sat in silence, listening to each other breath, feeling the warmth of one another. After a few moments, y/n pulled away. "Come on Jim, let's go to bed. It's a lot more comfortable than this couch." She said as she guided jimmy to there bed room.
      Jimmy removed his lab coat, shoes, and pants and grab a white T-shirt before crawling in next the love of his life. He placed his glasses on the night stand, and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her flushed with his body.
      Y/n wrapped her arm around his torso as she place her head near his chest. Jimmy placed his chin on the top of her head, pulling her as close as possible.
     "Goodnight, my galaxy." She said before drifting off to sleep. Jimmy smiled before kissing her head. "Goodnight, my angel." He drifted to peaceful sleep, never plagued by that nightmare again.

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