Jelly boy jimmy

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Hello lovely's, so I decided to make little nicktoons unite fanfic, so enjoy. Also sorry it taken so long to update. Life has been nuts. Anyway enjoy.

You made your way to the cafe were you were meeting your 5 best friends.
You guys did this every week, it was a little tradition you guys started to celebrate the end of the week. You enter the cafe and look around.
  "Y/n! Over here." You turned to the sound of the voice to see your friends. A little sponge came running to you engulfing you in a big hug.
  "Hehe, it's nice to see you too SpongeBob." You look over to see the others. "Hey guys!" You greeted.
There at the table was Timmy, a boy with buck teeth, pink hat and hoodie.
Next to him was Danny, an older boy with black hair with white at the bottom, he was wearing a red jacket with a white shirt.
He had a arm around his girlfriend and your best friend, Jenny, a robot girl with blue hair and a tank and skirt to match.
And finally you saw jimmy, your friend with a dig head, big hair and big brain. You had a crush on him ever since you met but you thought Jimmy only like you as a friend so you let it go. You only ever told Jenny about it and swore her to secretly.
After SpongeBob let go of you, you made your way over to the group. You sat next to Jimmy, who was working on something on his laptop.
  "Yo brainiac, how about joining the rest of us back on earth." Timmy teased. Jimmy shot him a look. "Timmy, be nice, I don't want you two fighting again like last time." Danny said thinking back to the previous week in which the two trashed an entire park.
You all ordered and enjoy some conversations.
Just then you got a text on your phone, you looked down to see who it was from. Your eyes widened, it was from a guy in your math class, hunter. He was really cute and a big football star. He was one of the most popular kids in school, and he just ask you out on a date.
You squeal unintentionally, yearning a curious look from everyone. "Is everything okay y/n?" Danny asked. You nodded happily, "this guy in my math class, hunter, just ask me out on a date!!"
Jimmy spat out the soda he was drinking. "WHAT!!!!" He said coughing a little as he wiped the access soda from his lips. Everyone look at him shocked and confused. "I mean, what exciting news, I'm so happy for you." He said with a forced smile, gritty his teeth at the end.
Timmy shot him a look of disapproval as Jenny and SpongeBob jumped up to hug you.
"Oh y/n, that amazing. Oh it's that cute guy right, the one from your math class. He's dreamy." Jenny said.
  "Huh!?" Danny said a little a fended. Jenny walk over and smooched him on the lips.
"Not as dreamy as you, sweetheart." Danny grab her hip, pulling her into his lap before kissing her passionately, holding her close, "Darn right I am." He said smirking at her.
Timmy gaged, "get a room you two!" Danny rolled his eye before stealing one final kiss. Jimmy look down at the table, trying not to engage any further.
"Oh this so exciting y/n, what are you two going to do? What are you going to wear?" SpongeBob asked his eye light up with excitement.
"Yeah y/n, we need to get you ready, SpongeBob and i will help." Jenny said jumping out of Danny's lap who frown a little. 
She giggled, "oh calm down, honey, we'll continue this later." She kissed him as she left with you and SpongeBob to get you ready for your date.
Leaving the three men left in the cafe.

With the boys
Jimmy look at the table, stewing in anger.
How dare someone else take you away from him. Jimmy had a crush on you for a long time, but was afraid you wouldn't like him back.
"Jimmy, you ok over there?" Danny ask knowing full well jimmy was far from fine.
"Peachy." He said still gritting his teeth. Timmy smirked, "clearly you are definitely fine." He said sarcastically.
Jimmy shot him a look, gripping his glass enough to almost crack it. "Zipped it turner."
Danny shock his head at the two, "Timmy, stop it. Jimmy, look we know about your crush on y/n." 
Jimmy's face heated up. "I do not have a crush on her."
Timmy rolled his eyes, "oh please, you so do. We see how you look at her."
"And how you are always helping her with her work." Danny added, smirking.
"Or how your face would get red when she says hi." Timmy continue.
"Or how you compliment her all the time." Danny add, snickering a little.
Timmy smirked, "or.."
"ENOUGH!!" Jimmy yelled out of frustration.
"The point is, you like her, so just tell her." Danny said reassuring.
Jimmy groaned, "even if I agreed with your accusations, she with someone else. I miss the opportunity."
Timmy shock his head, "dude, it's just a date, it's not like they're getting married or something."
Danny nodded, "right, plus, if you do like her, nows better than ever."
Jimmy got up from his seat, clearly done with this conversation. " I got to go, I have something to do in the lab." He said as he grab his things and left in a huff.
Timmy and Danny shared a look.
"He's totally in denial." Timmy said.
"Most definitely." Danny nodded.

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