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Authors note: you and jimmy are 17 in this. Enjoy😊
Art by laser-lance.

      Jimmy was working down in his lab, two beakers in his hand, both containing dangerous chemicals in them.
  He carefully placed the beakers back on the racks before turning to his computer. He plug in some data into file mark: experiment CT84-7. Jimmy was trying to make a serums to improve human reflex's and reaction time. He was about continue with his work when lab entrance motion censor went off.
      He turned on the entrance security camera. There he saw one of his best buddies, Carl, with what appeared to be a hamster cage. Jimmy cringe as he remembered the last time Carl's hamster got loose in the lab. Despite this cursed memory, he actives to trap for that lead to lower level of the lab. Carl landed on his rum with a thud, the cage on his lap.
    "Ow, hey Jimmy." Carl greeted. "Hey Carl" Jimmy said not taking his eyes off the computer screen, typing away. "What's you working on Jimmy?" Carl asked as he watched Jimmy return to the two mixture. "I'm trying to create a formula that give the human body and brain highten reflexes and faster reaction time. This way I'll be able to beat Cindy when it comes to athletic events." Jimmy said placing a few drops of chemical A in the beaker containing chemical B.
     Carl smirked, " or maybe you just want to impress y/n." Jimmy blushed a little at the mention of your name. He quickly shook it off before returning to his project.
    While this was happening, Carl's hamster, Mr Waggles the Third found his way out of his cage, which caught the attention of one very curious robot dog. Godard shot up from his place and began to make chance with the skittish rodent. Carl noticed his beloved pet being chased and ran after the two in an attempt to save the small creature.
         In all the commotion, Jimmy was knock off his feet and slammed into the table contain the chemical compound, causing the mixture to be knock into the air before spilling, landing on Jimmy, causing the boy genius to scream. Carl, Godard, and the hamster ran up through the entrance and out into the Neutron's back yard, leaving jimmy now unconscious on the lab floor.
    After rescuing his beloved pet, Carl returns to lab. He looks around for Jimmy but the teen genius was no where in sight. He try's calling for him but no response came. Carl then thinks Jimmy must have left the lab, so he exits the lab and began heading home, completely unaware of the lab coat and pill of cloths now laying on the floor.
     After a few moments, a small lump moved around the pile of clothes that had once been Jimmy Neutron. Fighting his way out of the now overgrown red shirt jimmy pop his head out of the neck hole. 'Ow my head, what happened?" Jimmy thought as he tried to regain his bearings. He look around the now messy lab floor. Jimmy groan knowing he would have to clean it up later. However, that was not the only thing he noticed. After looking up and around the laboratory, he observed that everything around him seem to be bigger. Did everything get bigger or did he get smaller?
         Jimmy tried to stand up but found it difficult to stand straight. It was as if he was unable to stand on two feet anymore, but rather all fours. He went to scratch his head in confuse when he discovered that his ears where no longer where they were supposed to be. Moving further up his head, he found his ears were now at the top of his head, pointed at the very tip. 'What's happening to me?' Jim thought as he fearfully looked down at hands to find not fingers, but light brown paws.      
Mortified, jimmy looked at his reflection in a piece of broken glass left from the crash. There, he did not see his own reflection, but that of a light brown cat with deep blue eyes that started back at him. 'I turned into a cat? How is this possible?' Jimmy thought as he tried to call Carl for help, only to find he could not speak, only make meaows sounds. This was worst then the time he became a hamster, at least then he could still communicate and stand on twos. How would he get back to normal with his current state?
      As if anything couldn't possibly get any worst, Godard returned to lab, making eye contact with the feline. 'Easy boy it's me Jimmy.' He tried to say but only cat noises came out. Godard began to growl, ready to take chase again, unaware that his prey was actually his beloved master. Jimmy didn't have time to think as Godard chased him through the lab and out into the yard. Jimmy climb up a tree, finding it was his only safe Haven. After a few minute of barking, Godard gave up and made his way back to the house.
         'Weh, that was a close one.' He thought as he jumped down from the tree on to the sidewalk below. 'Great I can't communicate with anyone, my dog thinks I'm a cat, how am I ever going to fix this?' While deep in though, Jimmy failed to notice a bike coming right towards him. He look up and hissed before closing his eyes waiting for the impact. However it never came. Jimmy looked up and was shocked at who he saw.

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