Hes My Hulk.

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Jimmy had asked if you wanted to join him and his friends on a trip to Mars for a game of golf. As much as you wanted to, your grandma just came into town for visit and you haven't seen her in over a year, so you had to decline.
Your visit with your grandmother was going great until you hear a loud crash and the ground shook as a result.
You looked out your window and noticed smoke coming for a few blocks away. You began to panic because you realized that the smoke was coming from the exact area of Jimmy's house. You asked your mother if it was ok if you could excuse yourself. She agreed and you quickly made your way over to Jimmy's house, praying that he and the others were ok.
You arrived on scene and gasped at the sight. One of Jimmy's ships had crashed right on the front lawned the neutron residence, debris everywhere. "Jimmy?" You called out desperate for any response form the boy genius. You hear a groan come from the other side of the ship followed by someone asking if everyone was alright. You recognized the voice and knew it belong to Jimmy.
You rush over to see Jimmy, Carl, and sheen standing a little dazed but completely unharmed. You smile but quickly noticed Jimmy's skin had turned a shade of orange and his light brown hair had a slight green tint to it.
"Oh my gosh, are you guys ok?" You asked gaining the attention of the three boys.  "Oh hey y/n when-" jimmy was cut off by you hugging him. While crashes were normal for the genius, something about this one left a terrible feeling in your gut.
After realizing what you just did, you pulled away quickly leaving the both of you a blushing mess.
"So Jimmy, why are you orange now?" You asked deciding now would be a good time to bring it up. Jimmy gave you a confused look before looking down at his hands. " huh, holy hizenburg the rays have effected my skin pigment" he exclaimed in pure shock.
"If you two are about done, I could use a little help over here" a voice shouted. You turned towards it and your eyes widen as you looked over at Cindy who was now holding the broken ship up with one hand. "Cindy, the rays have effected you too" jimmy stated. "So I'm super strong, that don't mean I'm going to hold this thing all day" she stated as she threw the ship far beyond our line of sight.
Meanwhile, Sheen made a twisted face as he stated he needed to find a restroom. Now instead of running into Jimmy's house, he rushed away faster then the speed of light before returning mere seconds later. "Sheen, the rays have given you the power to vibrate at super-fast speed!" Jimmy stated in utter befuddled. Sheen face lit up with excitement before saying "Sweet! But I think they also shrunk my bladder. Excuse me." And once again he was gone in blur.
Cindy looked around before asking where Libby was. "Open your eyes girlfriend I'm right in front you" a voice spoke form out of no where before Libby suddenly appeared in front of us, causing all of us to scream in alarm.
Carl muttered something you couldn't quite make out before a sonic wave burp expelled from his mouth. 
Sheen reappear a moment later.You shook your head trying to process everything in front of you, your mouth still slack jawed.
Jimmy seem to think for a second before stating "I think I see what happened: You all got super powers based on what you were doing when the Van Patten rays hit." He explained. Cindy laugh, "And you just turned orange?! How lame is that?!" Jimmy got really annoyed with her statement rebutting "It's not lame! Maybe my cells store massive amounts of Vitamin C, or-or something." Carl over to Jimmy and sniffs his head. "Mmm. He does have a pleasing, fruity aroma." This caused everyone except you and jimmy to laugh. Jimmy grit his teeth in pure anger. You placed your hand on shoulder and gave it a light squeeze in an attempt to calm him. "You guys come on that was mean." You said defending Jimmy.
He gave you a small smile before sheen jump in "Guys, get serious. We've all been endowed with incredible power. And I say we use that power to ATTACK TOKYO!" He screamed before ziping away and return with a head band and a sword in hand. You face palm as sheen screamed "guys come on pick up the pace."
"Sheen's right! Except for the part about Tokyo. We have been given incredible power! But we should use it to fight crime." Jimmy said. Everyone agreed and stuck there hands in the middle.
You felt left out as you stood to the side and watched awkwardly. Jimmy looked over and noticed this. "Don't worry y/n, I'm sure I can invent something you can use to fight crime as well." Jimmy said before ushering you over to the huddle. You squealed in excitement before joining the group. " Let those who do evil beware. From this day forth, we shall be known as: The Fantastic League of Justice-Bringing Avenging Men!" Sheen exclaimed before Libby corrected him. "Excuse me?" She stated as sheen rolled his eyes. "And three girls" he added causing Cindy, Libby, and yourself to smirk.
Jimmy gave you a watch that could summon any weapon you wanted.

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