Cap. 6

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This was a really bad idea. Every single detail of this idea, screamed danger: going out to meet new people to forget the same person that took you out! And the worst part was that Austin decided to remain home after his plan with his boyfriend and the cinema went wrong. And obviously this made Brett worry, what if Austin was angry at Eddy for not going to the cinema? What if Austin was jealous of Brett now that he had 'confessed' his tastes? The little lie he had told Eddy about not wanting to tell him for this reason had a bottom of truth after all, and that bottom was Eddy and the fact that amongst all the male people on the globe he could have chosen from the only one he wants to be with in this specific moment is indeed Eddy.

He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed: grey pants, white shirt and black bowtie, definitely too much for an idea designed to fail.

He was brought out from his train of thoughts by the doorbell. Crap, time for the show. He collected his jacket and went to open.

Eddy: "Yo bro, looking good!"

Brett: "Well thank you...I guess"

Eddy: "Let's go then, and leave the jacket home, you won't need it"

Brett: "What if I'm cold returning home?"

Eddy: "As you want but without jacket and leaving a couple of buttons open..."

He said reaching for the first two buttons of Brett's shirt removing his bowtie in the same time, and obviously making Brett having a hard time containing a blush

Eddy: "'s better! Let's go!"

The pub Eddy had chosen seemed a normal pub if not for the amount of men in it. An enormous amount of men to be precise, and he could have chosen amongst all of them but the only one he was able to look at was on his side.

They headed to the bar counter and took a seat

Eddy: "Two martini for me and my friend"

Barista: "Something to celebrate?"

Eddy: "Yes, this boy over here made coming out with me today!"

He said while shaking one of Brett's shoulders affectionately

Barista: "Oh, good for you man, is he your bf now?"

Eddy: "If for bf you mean best friend yes, he is!"

Barista: "Oh sorry I misunderstood"

He said while cleaning the glasses for the drinks

Eddy: "No worries, you're not the first one who mistakes us for a couple!"

Barista: "With best friends may happen"

Eddy: "We're on another lever! We have an entire fandom of people shipping us!"

He laughed giving Brett a shoulder and nearly making him fall of his chair. Seems like Eddy was very excited

Barista: " are twosetviolin!"

Eddy: "Yes man! That's us!"

Barista: "It took me a while to recognize you, but yeah sure that's you! Don't worry btw, I won't tell anybody I know how much you care for your private life"

Eddy: "Thanks man, we're truly grateful"

Barista: "No worries, have a good night!"

He said placing the martinis in front of them.

Eddy: "Thanks!"

He thanked the barista while giving one of the drinks to Brett

Eddy: "Cheers!"

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