Cap. 8

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There you go: another terrible idea. And this time was also worse because the lack of sleep started to show his first effects not only in the few days of filming a week, but nearly every day. After coming home from the hospital, the dreams have increased a lot and nearly every night he was in another world with Eddy.

It was painful seeing his best friend so happy with someone that was not him, but it was fair like that as long as Eddy was happy.

Fortunately, Austin gifted Eddy with a bracelet, so Brett knew whether it was a dream or it was the real world because lately telling the difference was becoming tough. Don't get him wrong those dreams were wonderful and being able to live a different relationship with Eddy every night was beautiful but the moment the dream ended it was like a dagger in his ribs. Because the real world was there to remind him that he was nothing but the 'best friend'.

He knocked on the door of Eddy's, and now, Austin's house and waited for the moment the door handle moved to show or his beloved or the person forbidding him to be with Eddy.

He was not lucky

Austin: "Hey Brett!"

Brett: "Hey, thanks for the invitation"

He said forcing a smile while giving the bottle of wine he had brought to Austin

Austin: "Oh thank you, come in"

Brett: "Thank you"

He moved a bit on his left making way for Brett to enter

Austin: "Eddy told me you made coming out the day you went out"

Oh, yeah, his 'coming out'. Sure he was in love with Eddy but he had actually never stop to think if he was gay or bi, he was just sure to be Eddy-sexual. But in that conversation, it was the best excuse.

Brett: "Oh, yeah...I didn't want to tell him because I didn't want to give the wrong idea...I mean he spend a lot of time with me and I can see if this could give the wrong idea, and I don't want to be the one causing you a spat guys..."

Austin: "Yeah, he told me something like that..."

He answered while walking to the kitchen

Austin: "Don't worry man, I perfectly know what's the relationship between you, and I know that we both love him very much but in different ways, and I know that you wouldn't interfere in 'us'...I just wish my friends knew it too before breaking your is it btw?"

Brett: "Better thank you...everything fine, then?"

Austin: "Sure"

He said while entering the kitchen and giving Brett one of his sweet smiles. Eddy was at the stove top striding the soup when they reached the room

Brett: "Yo man"

Eddy turned in his direction as he listened Brett's voice before Austin hugged him from behind

Eddy: "Hey Brett..."

Brett: "How's going?"

Eddy: "Fine, how is your nose"

Brett: "Better...I can smile now"

Eddy: "Good to hear...

Austin: "The soup will be ready in some minutes, you can go wait for me in the dining room"

Eddy: "Ok..."

He said while placing an affectionate kiss on Eddy's cheek. Damn they were perfect. That kind of perfect Brett knew he couldn't find, because with whoever it will be it won't be the right person.

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